Hello Julia...fantastic to read all your news and see the photos too. It sounds just fabulous. The sunshine is a welcome sight for us as it has turned wintry here and the wind is wicked! Not much to report really but everyone at work is fine and dandly although we miss you and the Friday doughnuts! Do they have doughnuts in India? Perhaps you could make that your next mission to find some! If you do..please send us a photo! Take care and I look forward to the next instalment. Love Hils xx
Hey Guys,
Love the fabulous photos and blog! Brings back memories when John and I travelled through Nepal and Thailand, seems like ages ago, sure are memories we will never forget. Keep us posted!!
Jules, so wonderful to read of your travels so far and so enjoying the pics - what you wrote about the Mcleod leg made my tummy lurch...makes me want to be there so much! India, Tibet, esp Nepal...one day. Wicked you did a Tibetan cooking class, would've been so nice. Make sure you squish in some yoga along the way - be an amzing experience. Right to the source aye. Take care both of you. Thinking of you lots from chilly london town. Sun's still shining though. Miss you Jules. Love and tight squeeze. Lou xx
Thanks for the updates Julia. very interesting. I hope you are not going to Pakistan though. All fine here and missing you both
love Helen
Hi Jules, I've finally visited your blogs and pics. Great to see you're having an awesome time. I'm sure you'll love exploring India and Thailand - have a fab time. Take care. Lots of love xoxoxo
Hi Love,
Delhi, Shimla now McLeod! Up north of India sounds like a place I would love to visit with its amazing selection of crafts to do and the yoga would be just my thing. Really good to know where you guys are at any given time so keep it rolling. Each place you visit I have "googled" and thus learning heaps.
Take care and love to Paul.
Hey honey...sounds amazing, and your blogs are making me want to get out there myself! Really enjoying reading about your travels, so keep them coming xxx
Jealous, jelous, jelous! Sounds great. Where's the next stop?
Love the blogs hun!! makes having to stare at my puter daily that lil bit less suckie! Hurry up wit some pix tho eh!! big hugs 4 u & Hank xoxoxoxoxoxox
I'm now 'officially' jealous! I really should've hidden in your suitcase and left the world of work behind. I'm enjoying the updates, although 'poo on your trousers' doesn't sound nice!
hey Julia There's nothing more sepressing than hearing about your adventures whilst sitting at my desk in an office!! It's good to hear the trip is off to a great start - stroking taxi drivers aside! Happy travelling and can't wait to hear the next installment. Amy
Hi Julia,
keep the great blog coming. Great to hear all's going well so far. I just hope Paul's having less trouble with his taxi drivers in Delhi. Take care as always. Martin