Have a fabolous Christmas and hope the new year is a special one
Loads of love
Mum & Dad
Dearest Julie,
Thanks for the Christmas wishes. Hope you have an awesome day and yes, get that christmas cake. Will make you feel at home.
Hope you have a very merry and jolly happy Christmas and exciting and adventurous time in India. May 2008 bring you all that you wish for yourselves and more.
Love, Mum & Dad.
ah! hilary. the funniest thing...i read your message and literally an hour beforehand we saw a bunch of turkeys in the road in calcutta, prob being taken to the markets or something for xmas feasts. so there you go! :) heh.
Hello Julia, Have been enjoying your diary and the pictures and am pleased to see some of you and Paul in amongst the others! It has turned very wintry here in the UK but it's Christmassy! I guess you won't be having turkey for your Christmas lunch, but I hope you can find something festive - perhaps a turkey curry?Although I am not sure they have turkeys in India? Anyway, have a great Christmas and a good start to the New Year. Love Hils xx
ughhhh no toilet stops on the bus (Udaipur) I can picture the scenario. my brother had diarrhoea on a bus over there - imagine that!! I will try and ring you and Paul before Xmas, if not have an exciting yet different Xmas
Keep well and safe
Helen/ Mum
Hi Love,
We just love reading your entries. We have been following you guys from Delhi to Udaipur and feel like we are travelling with you and from your vivid descriptions, practically smell the spices and other smells of India. Cant wait for your next installment.
Hi All
Thanks for your messages!
Jules xox
Hi Love,
Glad you guys are safe and well in spite of stomach bug. You knew it had to happen sometime. Pushka sounds like a madhouse of activity but so exciting at the same time. Have a safe journey to Jodpur and hope to read your wonderfully descriptive next installment soon.
Love you and miss you heaps,
Hey Gorgeous
Sounds like you are having a brilliant time, I hope it is everything you imagined. Missing you at work my dear, but know you are happy where you are.
Loads of good positive energy
Hey Jules...maybe I should try the all curry diet too! Sounds fantastic, especially the golden temple. Does the camle fair involve a camel race? If so, bet on No.7. I hear his form is good. Take care Stu x
Louise Bucknell
Hi Julia, your trip sounds amazing so far - though am not liking the sound of the black gunge!! Looking forward to hearing how your train trip goes - keep safe! Lou xxx