Love the new wheels! Hope all is well.Hot here! Yep can you believe it! Looks like you kids are still having a fantastic time, how wonderful. Thanks for keeping us all up to date.
Take Care folks ,
Love Michelle
P.S I bet you don't miss the sticky office! :)
Hannah Eno
Black water rafting - now I'm truly in awe - that sounds absolutely terrifying and as for jumping backwards down waterfalls, underground, FORGET IT! You are so brave! You're right about the t-shirts and hot weather - 25 degrees today in Birmingham, they say, and 30 in London ... not to make you jealous - actually it's horrible, you know what it's like being at work in the sun :( Hope you are both super well, and Jue I'll email you today xxxx
Latest batch of photos look good. However, I did notice that your new second-hand chariot has a dint at the back end. This wouldn't have happened while Juliette was driving would it? Or was it there when you bought it?
Melissa Spurling
Hey you 2,
(Sorry we missed you Chris) But it was great to hear and see you on skype yesterday Jue. We do have one so hopefully this weekend when we have read the instructions we will skype you both. We all had a great day at the zoo it was a joint celebration of Acers birthday, Daddys day and Grandad's day and judging by how loud the boys were snoring last night I think we managed to tire them all out. (All that fresh air and walking). Love to you both. Good luck Chris.
Love the Spurlings X
Mum And Kevs
Hi Jue and Chris
Lovely to speak to you this morning, Jue. We have celebrated Acer's birthday with a trip to the zoo today. It was great fun!
You were sorely missed. Glad you are both happy and well. Good luck with the interview Chris.
Love from us both.
Mum and Kevs
Melissa Spurling
Hey you 2, Looking great.
Pictures are amazing. Pleased to hear you all have jobs (what a relief). All is well here, the boys keep us very busy this weekend is the first free one, footy season has ended (yipee) the boys have some great trophees/medals to show you on your return. We took the boys to London in the half term week visited the Natural History and the Science Museum they loved it. Acer was amazed I think he secretly thought the dinosaur would move like it did in the film(Night in the Museum) Will send some pics.
Keep safe lots of love The Spurlings X
Mum And Kevs
Hello you two
We now have bad weather as well as Nic told you. Currently pouring with rain! We'll be swimming to the Mistley Thorn for lunch!
Your pictures are wonderful. The cave looks exciting. We're thinking of booking the Blackwater rafting for next year or the year after but may need to slim down to get through the narrow parts!
Lots of love from Mum and Kevs xx
I hope you will be cheered up to know it is freezing again here; I hope last week wasn't all of summer.
What did you do to the deer in your photos, it looks thoroughly disgruntled about something? And that rabbit is the most ridiculous looking thing I have ever seen.
Well done on braving the caves especially that narrow bit.
Jue you look gorgous in your photos as ever and Chris looks like an action man.
Lots of love
Granny Claude
Dear Ju and Chris, So glad to hear you both have jobs now. So will you join the circuc come July when the other jobs are done?
Those caves were amazing the pictures great. Glad you are enjoying the area and all the sites.
All is well here still very busy but enjoying life.Glad for work too many are out of work here in the USA.
Take care and enjoy life
Hi there!
Now we're on intimate webcam terms we don't seem to use the message board as much as before. However, just to keep you up to date from our side of the planet here goes.
Michael moves out to sunny Gibraltar in less than two weeks. He and his colleagues spent three days there this week negotiating for an apartment. On ariving back in Blighty, they were told that the said apartment had already been let to persons unknown. They are now back to square one. So, if you have any big cardboard boxes going spare, could you send him one across which he could use until he finds something?
As you are no doubt seeing in the papers, our country's political system is now in the advance stages of meltdown. Corrupt MPs, companies closing, unemployment rising, and the population baying for blood. I think you're right to stay out of the way in NZ until this mess blows over. By the time you get back, things should hopefully be much better.
News from the Lane. Blackwell has re-signed. Not, unfortunately, resigned. No real news at the moment from Sheffield 6.
Talk to you on Saturday at 8am.
Superblade & Mrs Owl
Dad And Lynn
Hi you two grafters Lynn has just burnt allthe eggs ...12... which were to be used for the cricket match tea this afternoon.Hope you enjoy the bank holiday and itswarm for you .Apparently today will be the hottest day of the year here.
We met Kevin and your mum at tne suffolk show and we all had very nice meal together onthe hot day the first day was wet and chilly.
Once again we have been busy I have cut and laid slabs on the curved wall at bottom of garden and Lynn has worked hard in the garden.Tom has fitted new doors inthe kichen.
I start the next course on Monday straight after the last one I think I will be brain dead.....nocomments please.Phil has got tickets for his graduation. Miss our chat love DAD AND LYNN XXX
Ken And Ann
Mum and Kev here. Shown us your blogs. Fantastic! Oh! to be young. We'll open another bottle of wine. LUL
PS Is the world reeling under the problems of our parliamentarians' expense accounts?