Great to read of your further travels in the South Island. It all sounds very exciting, if not very dangerous at times! Glad to hear that Chris is sharing everything with you, Ju, but sorry this includes a cold! Get well soon! Love you lots
Mum and Kevs xx
Granny Claude
Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas and birthday
Congratulations to the both of you, I am thrilled
Now on to yur next adventures traveling again. What fun and I can't wait to see you in the USA in 2010
Much love
Granny C
Melissa And Carl
Hey u 2, Wishing you both a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Thanks for the boys prezzies they love them, wearing them already. Lots of love to you both, take care love The Spurlings XXXXX
Congratulations to you both on your engagement. What a lovely birthday present for you Jue. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Take care and lots of love. Annie & Howard. xx
Congrats on your birthday and engagement .Chris I liked your humbleness and enjoy the rest of your treke take care . Love and Peace Dad and Lynn XXXXXXXX
Melissa Spurling
Hi Jue, Happy Birthday for today honey and congratulations to you both on your recent engagement. Well done you two xxx love to you both lots of love and kisses from us all Carl, Melissa, Jack, Tony and Acer xxxxx
happy birthday juliette have a great day and merry xmas to you both good luck on your next adventure lots of love paulie and ian
Mum And Kevs
Hi Chris and Jue
Great to read of your exploits. Life can be such fun!!
You just have to give up your jobs! We have done just that and will explore the world in the New Year.
Have a wonderful time exploring the south island. We know it will be great fun! Have a lovely Christmas celebration.
Love from us both xx
Hey u 2, We all just wanted to wish you both safe journeys on your next chapter of the adventure/holiday and to wish you both a very Happy Christmas and a great 2010. Hope to skype you over the christmas holidays. With love form us all the Spurlings xxxxx
Dave F
Good effort with the running you two! My marathon training is going ok, slowly getting better. I was wondering though, Mr T, if you would be interested in a legs transplant about april next year?!
I like the visits to all the mountains and film locations etc. Those sort of places look amazing on screen so they must be 10 time better in the flesh.
Any way take care. Keep enjoying yourselves.
P.S. Me and Kate have brought a house!!! scary stuff
JUE??!! You've been running??!!!??? You did 5k in 31 minutes??!!!
WELL DONE !!! I have a 3k race in a week and a half and no hope of running .. er .. at all?!
Will email you proper soon - meanwhile much love xxxxxxx
hello u two, just seen no bodies left u a message for a while ! read in that what u want! its a pleasure reading your up dates ,even though were regularly in touch by email -were all fine boys are shooting up , and we all miss u loads speak soon love us allxxxxxxxxxxxxxx