What a relief, we escaped from Singapore with our bank balances intact. This seemed highly improbable on arrival where we were informed by numerous signs of the following:
No Smoking - $500 (easy for us)
No Chewing Gum - $1,000
No cycling through tunnel - $1,000
No stepping across yellow line at station - $2,000
No Jaywalking - $500
Not flushing toilet - $500
... you get the idea!!
However, all these rules made this by far the cleanest and most safest feeling citis we've ever visited. Singapore is a lovely place, especially the areas around the river (Boat Quay, Clarke's Quay and Marina). We spent our evenings here listening to live bands looking over the harbour with the impressive skyline behind. However, to truly enjoy all the restaraunts and bars here you need money, althought this can be got around by purchasing a v large coke from the 7/11 and sitting next to the bars on the riverfront but on a bench instead.
We mostly spent our time wandering the city, which is relatively small and esay to cover on foot. We visited Rafles and actuallt sat in the bar for a minute, which provided us with enough time to view the drinks list, put our eyes back in their sockets, take a photo, then leg it!!! $25 a dring was 5 meals to us (the joy of backpacking!).
One evening we opted to visit the night safair at Singapore Zoo (partly to escape our jail cell of a room - bunk beds, 2ft x 2ft standing room and no window). This was a really good way of seeing a Zoo as it meant you got to see all the animals that get active at night. It was et in the jungle and in places it was pitch black which we're sure wouldn't have past H&S in the UK.
We flew to Melbourne on MOnday and so here starts our Oz experience.
In summary we enjoyed Asia and in particular Malaysia and Singapore where we were able to go about our days without the constant barrage of touts trying to sell you stuff as was the case in Thailand.
More to follow soon ........
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