Hop hop, get in ma belly!!! That's the way poor Skippy went down, but he did us proud and tasted as good as gold!! (Jue's looking rather disgusted right now - but she enjoyed a good nibble to)!
Think of Kings Cross and you think of trains packed with commuters, cramped in uncomfortable and hot carriages. Well, let us tell you. Kings Cross, Sydney, is not a train station!! As per normal on the Jue and Chris adventure we ended up in the red light district, along with every other hostel in the city, and boy oh boy do the locals like a lady (or man/lady/confused person) of the night!! Despite this it was a really good loction, close to Botanical Gardens which led onto the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.
After obtaining a weekly train/bus/ferry ticket, it's fair to say we covered every square inch worth seeing and even took a 2 hour train ride out to the Blue Mountains where we indulged in a bit of bush walking on the edge of a mountain, which although pretty, 3 hours walking left us exhausted.
We visited the fish market where after viewing the huge variety of fish we indulged in the pcik and mix for lunch which iuncluded:
-Salt & Pepper Blue Swimming Crab - tasty, fiddly, but never gonna fill you up
-Calimari Rings - rubbery
-Whiting fish - very tasty and would make an excellent sani with a bit of Tommy K
We were gonna try the Giant Crab but at $800 (400GBP) we decided our budget was not quite that flexible.
The Opera House, Bridge and Botanical Gardens made for such lovely running, that even Jue donned her lycra and set about burning up the local women with her determined, focussed and driven performance (Jue would be hitting me right now, but her legs hurt to much she can't catch me!!)
We've now moved on to Coffs Harbour where we're gonna chill by the beach for a while and I fear Jue may be getting her own back by strapping me to the back of one of the local horses for a trot through the rainforest. Updates at end of week if I'm still alive!!
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