Juhans Finding Neverland
About Jussi
Hello everybody probably for the last time. Would have been too good if uploading for photos had worked but... So only boring stories at this time :) After Chiang Rai my trip led to Koh Tao island where i did open water diving course. Diving was amazing there and i had honour to witness some amazing "little" fish down in the water…
Jussi´s going "wild" while travelling through Italy and China(Taipei) to Australia. x) Dig in and go WILD as well!
Ensimmäiset lumen hippuset saapuvat (31.10.-08) kotoiseen Suomeen tai paremminkin lähtöpisteeseeni lakeuksille. En ehdi kuitenkaan nauttia niistä kauaa sillä minua odottaa matka kohti Italiaa ja Kiinan saarta Taipeita ennen päämäärääni Australiaa. Hamassa tulevaisuudessa siintä myös haave Kaakkois-Aasian rannoista ja rennosta elämäntyylistä. H…
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Bangkok, Thailand
Hello everybody probably for the last time. Would have been too good if uploading for photos had worked but... So only boring stories at this time :) After Chiang Rai my trip led to Koh Tao is…
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Chiang Rai, Thailand

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All over Taiwan, Taiwan

New blog entry posted
Chiang Rai, Thailand
More pics coming, no worries! Little bit hurry to catch bus back to Bangkok :) Amazing times in Thailand!
Noin! Tosiaan pikkusen kiirusta pukkaa, pitaa kereta bussiin noin puolen tunnin kulut…

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Puli, Taiwan
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- Helsinki Roadstead, Finland
- Roma, Italy
- Taipei, Taiwan
- Sydney, New South Wales
mona hi, 优喜,is me ,mona ,I did not add to your MSN, you can tell me?