I hope Ric and Jo don't mind, but I am too excited not to tell everyone. Molly Rosenthal arrived at 9:30 this morning. Mum and baby both doing well. I think Ric said she weighed 6.5lb, he also said that thankfully she doesn't have his nose or backside!! XXX
Utterly gobsmacking. Have you thought of writinga column for the TES? Might make a nice change from people complaining about league tables. Or I suppose you could in fact set up a league table for cockroaches. Makes my minor irritations with some primary hedteachers ple into insignificance really.
It's good to know that your sense of humour is still alive and well and must be that that's getting you through. Can't weait until we sit in Clarice again to swap news though.
Do keep up the news feed and don't forget to think about publishing Love Kathy
I guess the need for hair dye and fear of John's cutting skills are more insignificant now you are in your new home!!! Loads of love, C xx
Melanie Smith
Wow, I know what you mean about feeling as though J and J are right with us - it is so great to get your updates and chuckle at them, although sounds dreadful to begin with - what has happened to the Prada flip flops?!?!? - Was telling the whole family on Sunday "mothers day" about your first entry loo, frogs, cockroachs, pigs and all.
Much love, hugs and kisses M x
Bex & Lisa, many thanks for keeping us all updated.
J & J sneer not at such a useful source of protein as the humble cockroach!!!!!! And as for the regular warm daily shower, well thats an over-rated past time as any young teenager will tell you, ask them!
BUT all that aside it was lovely to have your very vibrant blog update, reading it I felt like I was with you. Can feel the heat and the humidity and hear the cockroaches chattering. Of course we now have a claim to fame following the GREAT BRITISH EARTHQUAKE of last week. Anna may have lost a chimney BUT I was sitting on the loo as it hit!!!!!!!!! Very exciting (the earthquake I mean not my loo experience!) And what was really exciting for a person who has never before experienced such a phenomenon was how the wild life in the fields around us reacted. I guess I could have been in the middle of wildest Africa. The noise from them all was deafening.
Things good here, tonight we have celebrated Flora's 17th birthday, lots of fun. Can't imagine how my youngest got to be so growed up! All family including father fine.
Would like to pass kindest wishes to Dylan Oscar who must surely weigh more than 234 PHG cockroaches, a little nearer 300 I suspect!
LOL & hugs to you both.
Meg et al xxx
Sarah Dunne - proud mother of Dylan Oscar, born 28/2/08 - one month early; 6 pounds. Equivalent to 234 PNG Cockroaches...
Hiya it was so great to read your lovely long message and to know what you're up to. The accomodation sounds horific you poor things so hope they sort that out pronto for you. ,You would have roared laughing this morning ,...phoned Rick and Jo was in the background and heard him say earthquake and she yelled out ,PNG!!! ,He casually said 'No Gainsborough' It could only happen to Anne!! It really was scarey and it was on National news...Rick said it was due to the fact that I was the first person to call him on his birthday which caused a freek of nature. Cheeky little b*****. Evidently it measured 5.4 on that r.... scale (that I can't spell!!) I woke up to the bed moving across the room and pictures falling off the walls and the worst thing about it was the chimney of the shop collapsed and went straight through the roof and has virtually destroyed it..could only happen to me eh!! Am waiting to hear what is going to be done and by when as it may delay proceedings.8ecky couldn't talk she was laughing so much!! Hope contact becomes easier as time goes on cos I'm missing you like mad and miss our epic telephone chin wags. All my love always xx
Hello everyone. I thought I'd take a lead from Becky and keep you posted on the emails we recieve. Internet access is still a problem and so mum and dad can only send a few quick emails when they get chance. Here's the latest:
We actually got into a school to-day and both teachers and pupils were delightful though the teaching was diabolical! We also met with some headteachers. We had to tell them all about ourselves and when I said we were expecting our first grandchild soon they all broke into a huge grin and started clapping! We fly to Port Moresby on Monday and then fly to our house at last on Tuesday. We have been buying stuff for it like a big bucket to store water for when it gets turned off unexpectedly which happens frequently apparently, as does the electricity. We're learning to live with the unexpected! It will be nice to get into our own place even though we will be far from the sea but at least it won't be so hot!
Dad or 'Bubu man' which is the PNG term for grandfather (grandmother is Bubu meri). The Tok Pisin lessons were fun though I couldn't say either of us are fluent!!
we're thinking of Christmas already when we get 2 months holiday!! It's tough but someone has to do it!!
Hopefully the internet access will be better once they get to their new home but until then we'll keep you posted.
Good to hear from you at last via Becky! I know the heat must be difficult to manage but at the moment I envy you; it was minus 6 the other night and out heating broke down.....
The food sounds really fantastic and dolphins too...makes a change from sunny Beyton with the builders next door. We're off to Vienna in April but are now waiting for Rosy to return next Tuesday. Hope you get your internet connection more easily. Thinking of you love Kathy
Dennis And Sarah
Hi John and Jacqui, Paul has forwarded the link and we have spent a few minutes catching up with your adventures. It sounds as if things have started well and you must be looking forward to venturing up to the highlands. We had a great time with Paul and Ann at a Murder Mystery night; the golf club theme was well received with everyone dressed for the occasion and great food and wine. Paul even set up a putting competition! Do hope you will soon have quality web access. Will catch up soon. Stay safe. Love from us both xx
hi everyone, mum and dad are struggling to get access to internet for long enough to update the blog but have sent an email update so thought you would like the up date from them.
We have had a good week-end although the heat is very debilitating - it's like walking around on a blazing hot summer's day wrapped in a blanket! That apart, we had a lovely relaxed week-end - a bit of rest, a bit of swimming in the pool and yesterday we went to the seaside for a swim and BBQ (someone has to do it!).
Today we were introduced to the personnel at the Programme Office and then went to market to buy provisions for our lunch. The market was spectacular with a huge range of really fresh fruit and veg and cheap of course (we couldn't resist fresh lychees and some coconut milk), We had a budget which we managed to keep to (no beggars or hassle around the market - we felt perfectly safe). We helped to prepare food which was delicious and have spent the past few minutes (hours) trying to get this pedestrian internet to work!!!
Training is going well and is very interesting. We don't know when we'll be going up to the highlands yet as everything is very fluid and pretty unpredictable at the moment. When we do we hope the internet connection will be easier so we can get in touch more easily. We're not only trying to adjust to the heat but also PNG time which is 'things happen if they happen but if they don't then they don't'. We're both pretty excited about the work we're going to be doing. It seems we can tailor it pretty much to our own skills and there is lots to be done.
This week-end we're staying in a village to sample how the natives live - we think we're looking forward to it! Our current accommodation is basic but we have access to a swimming pool and are right beside the sea - dolphins were sighted this morning!
We're gradually adjusting to the heat and the country is very green and lush. People are friendly just like Africa but they don't do the begging like they did there and it isn't as dry and dusty (remember the red dust?).
So they are doing just fine xx
Anne And Paul
Hi John and Jacquie, just checking to hear your latest news but nothing yet - what still no internet! Enjoying fabulous weather here during half term. Emma at home with new boyfriend!!!!!! Lucy coming home for weekend and will see Dennis and Sarah tomorrow. Nothing exciting happening here but desperate to hear your news - we are also watching "Extreme Dreams" with interest. Rugby no better this Saturday but scraped a win thanks to Jonnie, Cricket not worth a mention. Hope you were able to get your red roses today John - Inter Flora no doubt! Lots of love and hope all is well xxx