Travels blog:
1st stop Thailand :
When first arriving at Heathrow airport I must admit I didn't quite know what to expect upon landing, let alone what or where I was going to be ending up in the next few months. I was dropped off by the mother and step father on 26th of December, we said our goodbyes had our hugs and I was off! At least that's how they do it in the movies. What they don't show is the awkward shuffle as you follow the others through the zigzag queue system they set up where after your emotional goodbyes you have to do that gimpy wave every time you pass your parents eye line although was nice to see them waving back enthusiastically . Once through the queue I got through security and into departures where it hit me ''f***in ell''( I'm writing this blog 3 months into my trip so I can say this thought comes up on a daily basis). I was alone but not for long as I would be meeting Alex at Smile Society hostel in Bangkok.
27.12.2012 Bangkok:
I got to Bangkok around 7pm local time, I was shattered, the flight had been ok except for extreme turbulence and a baby crying 4 seats away. I left the Busyness of Bangkok airport to the even busier streets of Bangkok and grabbed a cab to meet Alex at the hostel. I arrived there at just before 8pm, grabbed a quick shower and was ready for the 'travelling experience' to begin. We went downstairs where I was introduced to Charlotte, who would be travelling with us for the next two weeks. The three of us headed out straight to the infamous Khaosan road, where we had dinner in what can only be described as a night club. We finished eating and wandered the street checking out the stalls, smells, sights and sounds before heading into a bar where we ordered a Chang tower. Again writing this in hindsight I can say Chang is responsible for some wild nights! I've heard Chang can be anywhere from 5%-9% in alcohol volume how true this is I don't know, what I do know is it gets you wasted fast and leaves you with what I have come to call 'the CHANGover'! We sank the vessel and chased it down with a bucket and then another, moving up the street bar by bar until Ping Pong show was being chanted for… Charlotte. We drunkenly made our way by tuk-tuk to the show where we drank more and watched the 'talent'. It got messy and pretty soon Charlotte and I had a ping pong in our mouths freshly fired. Meanwhile Alex was returning sweet forehand smashes with top spin matching the accuracy of the young Asian lass who had just served. On the way out of the establishment Alex took a massive tumble down the flight of stairs…hilarious. The next day was a waste to say the least, the 3 of us had woken to the Chang trademark headache but my at least travels had well and truly started. Charlotte grabbed a flight down to Surat Thani leaving me and Alex to grab a bus. This was one of my worst journeys I have had to date; it was a 12hour night bus which we had booked a '1st class' ticket. It was lucky we were one of the 1st people on the bus as it was 1st come 1st serve leaving just a bench (which I wouldn't let the dog sleep on, let alone another human) left for the last 4 unlucky people who must have had a worst journey than myself. We arrived in Surat Thani and got a ferry over to Ko Pha Ngan where we headed to Hard Road Hostel. It was here we met up with Max a friend from back home. The 4 of us had our own dorm and spent the next few days chilling by beach and going to various party events one being a mad pool party where we all ended in pool fully clothed. It was also here where we met Paul an Irish lad my friend Max had been traveling with for the past couple of months and together called themselves the 'life and soul' of the party (I'll come back to this later). Finally the ''Countdown Party' arrived for New years on the beach. It was crazy fireworks were going off everywhere, music was blaring and buckets were being downed. At this point I will mention my discovery of M150 an energy drink that should come with an attached waver form. This stuff can change you from a comatose wreck to Charley Sheen and is packed into every bucket with a bottle of Thai whiskey Sang Som. Max and Paul had donned super skinny dresses which made them look like a Tranny who had given up on life. We all had our face paint on with different designs and were rocking the beach. The advice I had been given was don't take valuables and don't take flip flops, I lost my flip flops in the 1st 2 hours and my phone was water damaged to hell so it was good advice. The cuts I received on my feet plagued me for the next month. The night ended with the group split and me and Alex taking a trip up Mushroom Mountain, the shakes only ended my night and ended with me ''monged'' in a tuk-tuk but was a great night.
- comments
Auntie Lou Well done JJ wish this was about in the 80's
Karyn Moaaaaaaar, bear! I lub it.