Sunday 20th June
On Friday after our weekly meeting and our fish and chip dinner our cook hannah makes for us we went back to the school to cut the grass manually. It was done using a metal thing you swung like a gold stick. It was quite theraputic!
On saturday we were invited to the Kenyan Red cross to interact with them and learn about what they do.We played some games and did some dancing with them. i felt like I was back at nursery at one point but it was fun! We had to get 3 matatus' there so on the way back we stopped off at Kikuyu town to check out the market.
Today (sunday) was our day off. It has been a brilliant day. For those of you who know me very well you will know I am obsessed with the african wildlife. We decided to visit the Sheldrick centre at Nairobi national park. David Sheldrick centre was opened after his death. he did alot of work for anti-poaching and this charity continues his great work in saving orphaned elephants and black rhinos and rehabilitating them back into the wild. the ivory ban has been lifted so there is so much poaching in kenya at the moment. Even more work for these fantastic people.
The keepers were telling us each of their stories. Most of them were found next to a dead mother killed from poachers or had been found down man holes stuck and alone. the all get rehabilitated back into the wild which is the main thing. the keeprs have to be with them 24/7, even sleep with them so they have beds in their stables. The babies also get a matress to lie on as in the wild they would be snuggled up to their mother or the rest of the family. It was really interesting. They also do the same with black rhinos although they are too dangerous to get this close to. They saved one rhino ages ago and after released it keeps coming back. thats how much they love it :)
We saw some wild warthogs in the grounds and also some baboons on the main road. it was brilliant. We are hoping to organise a day safari soon. eeesh
Jules xx
- comments
Mam Sounds fab Julie,enjoy it.xx
derek Hi Julie Glad to hear you have settled in and are enjoying your experience. Sounds like your doing a great job. Take care. Derek.
Alison and Jose Hi Jules, sounds like you are having a great time. We really enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work and have fun. Take care. Lots of love xx