Hi Liz, I have just been catching up with your blogs and found them fascinating. I had a lovely time with your Mum and Dad when they visited Lymm a few weeks ago. They were very excited about their visit and I hope you are all having a wonderful time. Please pass on my love if they are still with you. Take care. Love Suexx
Hi Liz
It's so great to hear about your travels, you are so brave! We are all missing you, and can't wait to see you whenever you come back. The boys are so big now, Ben is one! Take lots of care of yourself, love Mon.
Hi Liz,
Was pleased to see your blog today-I've been wondering where you've been and what you've been up to the last week! I enjoyed your writing from Nepal and was gutted on your behalf every time I read the next paragraph of your failed mission to get out of there! What a journey!
Anyhow glad you're back in Delhi with a glass of wine and no mice.
Love Vicky
PS What happened to John the plumber?
Gran And Grandad
Hi Liz, Gran says to tell you how much she enjoyed your blog. We think your blogs are terrific. She also says to tell you how much we love you! Nepal sounds fascinating, especially this side by sideness of Buddhism and Hinduism. Gran also says I am to tell you to take good care, because you are precious. Lot of love, gran and grandad. XXXX
Jennie B
hey honey
being a bit slow, I've only just discovered you've got a blog courtesey of Alice so I have quite a lot of catching up to do! From what I've read so far it just sounds to be an amazing experience that is far from over - I wish I was there with you! I hope you are having a fab time darling.
Sending you lots of love and hugs,
Gran And Grandad
Hi Liz, We found your blog honest, open and challenging. As always it was a delight to read. Poverty is grim, wherever you find it; it just seems so much more in your face in India. On the whole, in England, only people like social workers or ministers who go into our poverty zones and into the actual homes of the disadvantaged in this country are actually confronted face to face with that grim reality. Most of the time it is hidden away and we do not have to face it and the media ignore it. I think it is the biggest and most significant social and political problem we have. For one thing the abolition of poverty would be such a tangible message of compassionate care - of a caring society. The vast chasms between rich and poor are a deep offense against the Love at the heart of things. I feel a sermon coming on! lots and lots of love. Gran and grandad. XXXX
Hello Liz
Hope you OK, Mon says cheers for the text, much appreciated that you are thinking of us.
As always its great what you are writing. I've not seem that film, but everything you said seems to make a lot of sense. Apart from where you're being harsh on yourself, leave it out man, anyone of us who thinks they're immune to their own culture is dreaming.....
Take care of yourself matey
Hi babe! Just read your blog, it's fantastic so keep it going. Love the photos of the golden temple, if only I had one of those! How long are you going to be in India? Any chance of a stopover in HK? Lots of love Alexia, Guy and Sophie xxx
Jan Doel
Richard and I have just read your blog over breakfast. He said to tell you it's great, and he will email you soon. We are off to face the snow and ice to get to work. I shall have to dig the car out. College was closed so I was off work yesterday and spent the afternoon in the park, admiring the huge array of snowmen, sledges and and snowballs. Much love Mum x x x
Vicky Goodwin
Hi Liz,
We went to see Slumdog millionaire last night and it made me think of you. Have you seen it? What did you think. I really enjoyed it. It made me want to go back and read your accounts of the slums again which I will do shortly.
I read your last blog with interest as Sikhism is something which I am surrounded by at the moment with the majority of my school and some colleagues being from the Punjab. We often go to the Gurdwara for something to eat during festivals and although I'm sure the Golden Temple is pretty impresive, the inside and procedures you described could have been in Gravesend!
So how's life treating you? I liked your door key and seeing the pics of your flat. We're all fine here and Thomas and Perran are enjoying the snow we've had today.
Anyway take care my lovely and speak soon
Vicky xxxx
Emma Esquilant
Hi Liz,
Just booked our tickets to Goa!!!! Very excited - although I'm not quite the intrepid traveller that you are -do you think we can get a hotel sans mice?
I'm also thinking of getting my locks changed at home so that I can get a gynourmous key like yours! - I think even us Doel girls would have trouble losing that! - although I'm sure you'll give it a good go ; )
Looking forward to March
Lots of love
Em xxxxxx
Gran And Grandad
Hi Liz, We enjoyed reading your latest blog. As always it is so 'real' that we feel we are there with you. Of course we've seen you in Sheffield since you wrote it and listened to your eulogy for pampa, which we thought was so fitting and lovely. It was great to see you, even in such sad circumstances. We love you very much - gran and grandad.