We find your blogs fascinating and are sure there's a travel book or novel in the making here. Gran continues to make slow but stady progress with her hip. She's drivng again and taking short walks. We went to Todmorden today and she drove all the way. Grandad's hd pneumonia, but now well recovered. You seem to be having a fascinating and exciting timeand it is lovely to have this link with you. We are keepng you in our thoughts. Lots and lots of love. XXXX
Just wanted to post a real quick note to say HAPPY BIRTHDY TO LEE! My phone wont text at the moment for some rason so I hope you get this. Have a great day and a drink or two for me! Lots of love, Liz X
Helen Pye And Clare Atkinson
Hey baby! We've just been perusing your blog and it's brilliant. Would it be OK if I (Clare) sold it on to a publishing house? You will get a (small) share of the profits but I will need you to step up the pace a little. One page a day just aint enough. Ah it's so nice to hear you're having such an amazing time, I am so jealous of all your new experiences and wouldn't mind half an hour in your brain just to experience the memories for myself. I've been in Norwich for the day having come down for a meeting last night hence the joint email. Helen and I have had a lovely day playing with Tom and catching up. We think your blog is ace and we miss you.
Hi there, this is Helen now - please forgive my punctuation, I haven't really a clue I'm afraid! Its great to read your blogs. I'm doing my best to keep up with them between changing dirty nappies and making milk, how our lives are contrasting at the moment! Back to work next week but quite looking forward to it. Tom loves nursery so should be ok. I'm thinking about you lots, wondering what you're up to.
Love you lots x
Mark Doel
Hi Liz,
Just read the latest from Bageshwar - a great read and it made me want to crack open a beer (and it's only 10:30 in the morning - I'm reading your blog as a nice distraction from writing up this research!) AND it's less than 12 hours since we were sinking a pint of Moonshine at The Lescar (OK, I'm wanting YOU to feel a bit envious for a change.) We went to see a bloke called Steve Hughes as part of the 'Grin Up North' comedy festival - he was great, very political, too - Monika, Luke, you'd have enjoyed him. He had a lot of drugs jokes, including one time when he and a friend were so high they stole a couple of bags of ice-cubes from a garage and went down to the river to release them to the wild!
It's a lovely day today, been quite nice all week and the leaves are just turning and dropping. I try and imagine the scene in India, not so much where you are now which I know is more pastoral, but in the dry, hot, crowded areas. I'd tried to imagine what it looked like and even smelled like (and your descriptions are really good for that) but hadn't even thought to consider what it sounded like. I really would find it hard to live with all that noise: sometimes I sit in the garden at Psalter Lane and marvel at how quiet it is, even on an early evening of a Saturday and with tens of thousands of people living in the Porter valley, and sometimes I do wonder just how long it can last, it is quite blissful. I know it's natural to be struck by the differences and the difficulties, but what are you finding that you like most about India?
Much love,
Dad xx
Monika And Luke
Alright Liz
Hope you doing OK and a bit cooler now. Really nice to hear what you are up to, and that you put on a picture of Nainital, if you do go there I reckon you'll enjoy it it was my favourite place I reckon.
Anyway, got to get political like always I'm with your man Babuji, education is the key, not all that Ode to a literature business though, but being open minded for sure, and knowing about the world we live in. I think its just about being positive about people, that we are social animals and not the little islands thatcher tried to make us into, and if we spend time with other people we cant help but learn from them and understand them. No way are little babies born hedonistic, selfish and commercialised. Empathy eh Liz, thats how people learn to be better to each other, and thats what education should be about instead of the three r's.....
Anyway, we know that you have nothing to feel guilty about matey, no-one will have shown more respect to them people than you.
Take care.
Liz Doel
Hi folks
Just wanted to say again how lovely it is getting all your messages - keep them coming! Granny and Grandad - great that you logged on! Have finally got round to figuring out postal system so will be a good old fashioned postcard coming your way soon Gran.
Vick - it would be great if you could email some songs to teach kids (with simple language) for future use. Karen Doel you may know some too? And the rest of you - would be really grateful for reminders of songs that are easy to sing and share with groups of people so that I am not restricted to 'Green Grow the Rushes Oh' and 'Dublins Fair City'. As for the question regarding the men here...given that family read this blog think I'll email you about that one! What do I miss about England?..mostly you lot! But think that subject would make a good blog entry so maybe will save it for then.
Lee - I know you share my love of writing and I really appreciate your comments. Will defintely have to go to a cricket match on my return - will see it all through different eyes.
HP - coincidence that you are reading that book eh? Should be more photos to follow shortly. Hope you had a good birthday hon.
Lizzy....I am awaiting that update!
Sending much love XXXX
Hi Liz,
I'm reading a book set in Bombay (it's set in the 1920s) and they mentioned the Y and the Taj Hotel...and now I've seen pics! Brilliant!
It's freezing here, I'm typing in bed with a hoodie on...as in zip up top not an irritating 15 year old with an knife used for warmth.
Sorry to hear the project is dry, in the none non-monsoon sense, but I have Googled and discovered there's a champagne company based in India, Champagne Indage Limited (CIL), so all is no lost!
Loving the blog - now I've got it, have a fab time!
H x
Vicky Goodwin
Hi Liz,
You obviously need a quick crash course in kids songs-I can email you a load if you want, as the walking, talking early years/KS1 specialist, all singing all dancing Moyle that I am!
Still loving your writing but 2 key questions which you can reply to my personal email address if you like(!) are 1) Any decent men to look at 2) What do you miss most about the uk-just curious!
Lots of love xxx
Liz Read
Lizzy! Hello - I am at work and loving reading your blogs - a proper email is on its way to fill you in on all my news(!) Hope you are keeping well and sane. Lovely lovely lovely to hear from you on my birthday - I was so touched. Missing you and hope you're ok, Lizzyx x x x x x
Jan Doel
I'm packing up a rucksack to walk to the station - I'll be dressed in winter jacket, scarf and gloves, because autumn has arrived. Everyone else is probably in shorts, but there you go. Nesh. But the heat you are experiencing, golly.
We'll be seeing Chris and Joan and enlisting them as blog fans...also Harriet and Chris still hope to see you at Christmas, so expect some emails from them. Take care, sweetie, love Mum xxxx
Lee Harris
Hi Liz,
Lovely, descriptive prose - I started perspiring reading your account of the heat problems!
I'm glad you finally "get" cricket (sort of) and look forward to seeing you at Edgbaston or Headingley in 2010.
Take care and keep up the good work, it's captivating and interesting!
David & Joan Doel
We loved yur blog and think you have a real gift for writing. There's a book here, we're sure. We're doing okay at the moment, especially since grandad has recovered from his bout of pneumonia. We're saying farewell to the Old Chapel minister today - Vernon. He's going to minister in the posh area of Wilmslow. We're impressed with the way you have settled into this travelling adventure. Take care and have a great time. We keep you in our thoughts. Lotsand lots of love. Gran and Grandad. XX