Josh's Gap Year
Well i havn't updated this for a while reason being is that i havn't really been doing anything interesting. at the moment i am in Christchurch looking for a job and a flat not going all to well but im trying to optimistic. got a cold and a sore throat which really isn't helping much!!! iv likened to christchurch to Salisbury to some people the thing i forgot to mention is that in salisbury you don't tend to get Massage parlours with neon sighns and red flashing lights which seem to be all over the place a round the city center i have yet to try 1 and i don't think i will be!!! so Chrsichurch to sum it up is a larger Salisbury and probably the red light district of NZ but its it seems a nice place. im with a temping agency at the mo though i have only done 1 job for them which was doing bar work at a rugby match really boring barely got to see any of the game and the bar had no atmosphere. got a interview tommorrow for a proper job shirt ad tie stuff so went down to the local Warehouse (really cheap shop) and bought myself a shirt tie combo for about $16 so il look real smart for tommorrow. its a job todo with sales for cinema's or something like that not really sure get the feeling it might be a door to door sales job but if it pays well who cares (the people i bug whilst i do it but oh well) please cross all fingers and anthing else that you can cross for me getting the job really need the money!!! well thats about it for now no pics cos don't feel like looking like a proper toursit going round taking pics of Christchurch might be able to get some soon though have to keep checking to find out. well hope everything is well with you (whom ever reads this) and that life is going well.
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