It was lovely seeing you on Skype, we all felt a lot better for it, you looked so happy! You did what you promised, made arrangements for us all to contact you. I' m glad Australia is proving so good for y ou and that y ou are coping so well. Take care of yourself and come back soon. Lots of love,
The chips look EXACTLY like they do in England!
What's the news on the kangaroo you're supposed to be bringing back?
I'd settle for a koala too..
Hope you're good!
Bernhard Büggeln
Hi Josh, gibt's was Neues am anderen Ende der Welt, hast Du Dich aklimatisiert, JetLeg aus den Beinen geschüttelt? Haus ist immer noch sehr leise und leer!
Ihr habt übrigens 5:0 gewonnen und seid jetzt Tabellenvierter!
Love and miss you, Papa