Writing from Argentina this time, here there are more than 200 pics of my adventures in this part of the world... looks like the sonner I see the end of the trip the more photos I do upload...
You will see me at the Iguazu falls (dry season but still worth the trip!), north of Argentina which is absolutely beautiful. In Tilcara I meet Paola, "Artesana" and Laura and Huatin, musicians and we got off to Bolivia, they tried to teach me how to do "artesanias" and how to play the guitar but I discovered once again that I´m totally useless when it comes to musical or handcraft skills... but I had a smashing time with them regardless!.
I also had to "escape" from Bolivia because I was cought in the middle of a miner´s strike and a trip which should have lasted 11 hours became a 34 hour adventure, pushing buses through rivers and hiding from miners and their dinamite!!!.
After that back to Argentina, some lost town in the middle of the mountains called Iruya where I did some serious trekking at 4,000m above sea level... so serious that I sunburn my nose and ears but the views where worth the pain.
I also meet a bunch of new friends from all over the world...Cordoba (Arg), Dublin, Mexico, Buenos Aires, Bolivia, Brasil, Germany, San Sebastian... looks like when I´ll be back you could name a place and the chances are that once did travel with somebody from there...priceless! , so all in all, once again an amazing time!.
Hope you enjoy these pictures and thanks again for all your messages and for keeping track on me.
See you soon! and kisses to everybody!
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