Greetings All from APCA (Assistance to Poor Children's Association) Orphanage Centre in Oudong District, just outside of Phnom Penh. APCA is a non government funded organisation which provides a home/food/lessons to the most vulnerable children in dire circumstances.
We made our journey from Battambang quite easily, asking the bus driver to stop in Oudong instead of heading straight for PP, which he did. We phoned Dara (APCA Director) from a small mobile phone shop when we were dropped off in Oudong and he came and picked us up to drive to the Orphanage. On route to the orphanage he explained to us all the basic information about his centre that housed 70 children in total rangeing from the ages of 3 to 22. We arrived at the Orphanage to be greeted by so many young children all very nervous but the majority of them waving their hands saying "hello".
We were given all the childrens files to read and explained the scenario on how they came to be at the orphanage. It really was heartbreaking to read some of them being abonded by their poor parents or parents being killed. Dara gave us a grand tour of the Centre which has 3 main buildings. 1 main building which has a large classroom, Dara and his assistants offices and kitchen facilities on the 1st floor and bedrooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors. We were shown our room on the 2nd floor which was nice, had a big bed and a fan above so could not complain. We then dumped our bags and continued the tour to see the rest of the centre. The 2 other building were used by the children for sleeping and storing all their clothes and belongings. Boys to one building, girls to the other. The building had small extensions which had running water which the children used to clean their clothes and eating utensils. Out behind the building was the playground, quite a big grassy area which had a basketball stand smack in the middle. On the outskirts of the playground their were several small 1 room shacks which were used by the older children as bedrooms.
We then met Molly and Katie who were here on behalf of a American based Charity called EGBOK which specialise in teaching children about their countries hospitality industry. Molly was American and Katie was English. Molly left the following day but after talking with Katie she explained she is here for a 3month stay to give the older children a crash course in hospitality.
Dara left us to get aquainted with the children in the playground. I would say around 90% of the kids can speak quite good basic english and everyone of them can tell you their name and age even the 3year olds. Some were quite shy at first but when we started to play around with them that all went out the window. They older kids/teens like to play Volleyball which if we havent mentioned is huge over here in Cambodia. Anyone under 13 just like to have fun it seemed and it didnt matter what we did. The first night we rounded everyone up (well all the boys) for a game of football which turned into Rugby haha. It was great fun to join in but when we both stepped back and watched all of them running around smiling and laughing with one another it really was good to see.
The other 9days we stayed here involved mailnly teaching the 3 groups of children who were categorised into age groups 3-9y.o, 10-15y.o and 15-22y.o. They all go to a local school just a short walk from the orphanage some in the morning and some in the afternoon. The older kids however are almost away to sit their national exam which is basically for entry to University so had a private tutor that came to the orphanage to teach them. We both taught the groups together with 3-9year olds from 9am -10am 10-15year olds 3-4pm and a couple of sessions with the older group from 5-6pm. The majority of them were so eager to learn, i dont think it would have mattered what we taught them to be honest, they all just seemed glad to have us with them.
The younger group were quite handful but really enjoyable to teach none the less, they love to shout out and help each other (cheat lol). We taught them quite a vast amount of stuff all basic primary school stuff like animals and days of the week. Every lesson ended in a couple of games of hangman which everyone went loopy for, was hilarious everyone screaming out letters and again felt awesome to be putting a smile on their faces.
The middle group were much and such the same as the younger group except a little more advanced English. We taught them how to use words in sentances, proper pronounceiation and again ended most lessons with hangman which they loved just as much as the young ones. We asked questions and instead of us writing the answer on the whiteboard at the front of the class we got individuals up to write out to see how their spelling was. They were again all so eager to come and write on the board, completely different to how we were at that age.
The older group were being taught their hospitality course by Katie so only had a few sessions with them but were all good none the less. Much more advanced with a few of them being more clued up on English than we were haha.
Outwith teaching we spent most of the day playing basketball amongst other sports to just generally mucking around playing with all the children. Our whole 10days here the children have had a smile on their face 24/7. They are given 3meals a day, running water and a safe environment to call home which Dara (who all the kids call Papa) and his staff have worked miricles to provide for them.
We have both developed a soft spot for 3 of the little children. Dalin and Sheyleak who are both girls and Sakhon a little boy, all 4 years old. They are the sweetest little kids and come running up to us every time they see us, drawing us pictures and just wanting to hold our hand. We want to take them with us, just so cute.
Our last night we bought all the kids a candy bar, can of juice and a jam roll to say thank you. They were all so appreciative, many of the older ones coming and shaking our hands thanking us for taking time out of our travelling. All of the children then grouped together for a final roar of "THAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU TEACHER" which was said at the end of every lesson lol and a photo. They then brought out the stereo system to the playground to throw us a going away dance/party! This was a highlight of our stay here, was absolutley hilarious watching everyone dancing and they went extra crazy when Justin Bieber came on who is huge not just in Cambodia but in nearly every Asian country we have been in.
Have taken over 250photos to add to the hundreds of hilarious stories/memories from our time here and have enjoyed every single one of the 70kids time they have shared with us. Has definately been the most rewarding experience we have both ever done in our lives and wish we could stay longer as the 10days has flew by. From the first class hospitality of Dara and his staff, to the friendly, playful children we have both came to adore, it was very hard to say goodbye. Have both been truley very deeply taken back by our time here and are both very determined to do our bit now and do some fundraising in Australia and when we get back home. The planning of another visit to APCA has already beeen discussed and we hope we can fit it in and make it a much longer stay next time.
We are leaving here heading for the South Western town of Koh Kong Krong, around 15Kms from the Thai border. This will be our last stop in Cambodia before re-entering Thailand so will be country # 7 on travel list complete.
Unitl Then
J + B
Incase anyone reading this is interested in further details how they could help the APCA cause please do not hesitate to get in touch with either one of us. We said above this is a non-profit, non-government funded association meaning they rely heavily on donations and donors as there main source of money to pay for everything from food and clothes for all the kids to daily electricity and maintenance costs for the centre to keep running. It costs just under $3000 for four years of university tuituion, accomodation and food for one student. APCA have a policy in place that allows the donor to loan the money to the student with a signed agreement of repayment at 0% interest after completion. It costs APCA $3 a day to feed a single child 3meals a day at thier centre so no matter how small the amount it can go a very long way.
Every Little Helps and it would be HUGELY Appreciated
Thank You
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