Before we left Calcutta we went to find a group of chldren we had met a few days previously. They had invited us to play cricket in the street with them using something representing a ball and a metal stick. They were so sweet to us that we thought we should return the favour so Jon, Joe and I headed to the shops and found them a cricket bat and ball which we gave to them before we left. I don't know who was more pleased-them for receiving a cricket bat or us for receiving the biggest most genuine smiles I have ever seen.
It certainly cheered us up before heading through the hot city to a busy and dirty train station. Ignoring Victoria's advice and going for the cheap option we had got seats on Sleeper Class- it is very basic with 9 folding down beds per space but it wasn't as bad as I had expected. We were sharing our space with 2 very nice families and one crazy man in a purple shirt. It was an uneverntful journey apart from everyone having their beds changed due to a ticket error!
We arrived in a very wet Darjeeling but we were optomistic as we got in a crowed jeep (14 of us in 10 seats!) and headed into the mountains. As the rain started clearing the views were beautiful and I can see why people escape the heat here. The weather has been cool. In normal cicumstances I think we would be in skirts and t-shirts but as we came from Calcutta where it was 45 degrees here it seems positive cold so we donned our jeans, hoodies and coats today as we headed to the Happy Valley Tea Plantation. One of 84 in Darjeeling alone it is the only organic tea plantation. We wondered down into the valley and were greeted by a woman who invited us into her house and told us all about the plantation. Before she offered us tea she told us how much it would cost- honesty seems to be rare when Indians are dealing with tourists. The tea brews in 5 seconds and it doesn't need milk or sugar as it tastes so good without. The proof was in the tasting and in her vistors book, one girl had claimed to was better than Barrys Tea. I have bought some for Nan so she can test that theory!
A quick note on accomodation: Ours is basic! I thought that paying 1.50 pounds per night in Calcutta meant basic but at least we had a shower. Here we are paying 2 pounds per night and we have a bucket. It is full of freezing cold water and that is the only water as it doesn't come out of the taps. Needless to say we are back to the squatting toilet of the Chinese variety! The boys don't seem to mind but they werent the ones washing their hair in the bucket over the aforementioned toilet this morning!!
Tomorrow we are up at 4am to vist Tiger Hill- the only place to be for sunrise. Will let you know how it was! xx
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