I assumed it was a cut too!! I was shocked, haha! xx
PS - hope these little maths questions dont get any harder!!! x
Jon And Jemeela
Hey people,
We unfortunately came down with the flu Sunday night and ventured out Monday but were in Bed by lunchtime. Apart from a trip to the docs yesterday this is our first trip out for water, tissues and medicine! What a bummer! No time for Ramsey Street or much else sadly. Better today than we were yesterday but still not great so we will hopefully venture out later today after another rest!
Jon and I nearly choked at the thought of you having your haircut Earl - we would have been in mourning, relieved to hear it was just a restyle!! Good to hear from you Stuey. Glad the car situation is sorted Sarah, lots of love to all, missing you lots xxx
PS Jon is wondering if the hairstyle involved any girly hair clips Earl??
Yeah cheers Stu you can walk to bowling Saturday night now, for that little comment!!!
Had my hair up not cut, still rock and roll!!! hope you are well and when are you going to ring on the Skype phone gimp boy
Finally got my computer sorted out, have just been catching up with with what you've been upto. Looks brilliant especially Phi Phi. Very jealous.
It's been a bit quiet at home since Sean was over & the barby a couple of weeks ago. Still Earl brought some entertainent to the pub yesterday with his new hairdo. Not exactly rock 'n' roll ay more!
Anyway glad to see you're both enjoying yourself. see you soon
So pleased you are safe. Will send you my weekly tomorrow.
If you could get me an autograph of Pepper's new boyfriend (aka Foz from Hollyoaks) I'll love you forever
Please please please go to Ramsey Street and get me an autograph-anyone will do!!!!!!!!
I bet you'll love it in Oz and want to stay forever but if I had my way I'd have you home tonight!!!!!!!!
So much love to you both, really missing you but love it that you is "somewhere out there beyond the pale moon light, someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight......." J xxxxx
Dear Jemeela & John,
I should have thought of this earlier. When you are in Sydney, try contacting Robert.
The only contact I have for him is....IBJ Australia Bank Limited ACN: 009 150 109 Level 21 52 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000
FAX: (02) 9377 8884 ATTENTION: Mr Robert Hutchfield, Head of Corporate & Project Finance
Love Dad
Sarah & Stephen
Hello. Melbourne sounds lovely. Hope you see some penguins! Penguins are great!
I put a deposit down on a Punto yesterday and pick it up tomorrow after work so that will be good. Its a new shape one , 2000 Y reg and has only done 36k miles so hopefully I wont have many problems with it.
Hope you have fun over the next few days in Melbourne. What season is it there at the moment? Is it spring/summer?Dont forget to try and see Erinsborough!!
Love to you both xxxxxx
Sarah & Stephen
Glad you are safe and well in Oz. xx
Hi Blog watchers
Jemeela and Jon have landed safely in Melbourne so the Oz adventure has begun. Sure they will be in touch soon.
Hi Guys - AY - MAY- ZING photo's - really enjoyed looking at them - a couple have inspired me to get me paints out!!!!
Have LOADS a fun - enjoy
Stay safe - and be good!
V xxx
Robin Bourner
Thanks for the bikini shots its made a couple of old saddos very happy