Happy New Year Jo, Glad you are having a great time. Lots of love Jayne, Adrian & Domino.
Hi Jo, sounds like everything is going great for you. enjoy every minute hun. have a fab new year. missin ya. lou.xx
Hiya Been catching up on your travels round Oz the info you give is amazing feel like I'm there with you, only the awful snow and ice here remind me, I'm not.You have already had one heck of a xmas present with memories to last a lifetime. HAPPY DAYS & more of em. Cheers. Mox
Hi Jo
It all looks and sounds totally amazing. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and I will certainly raise a glass or two to you. Work still the same. We are all well. Missing you. Enjoy every moment. Its great to see you enjoying life so much. Weather awful here. We are all envious. Take care. Love you loads xx
Bill And Chris
hi Joanne,
Your reports of activities are far more detailed than we expected - many thanks!!
We almost feel as if we are out there with you as we overlook 4 to 6 inches of snow which will just not thaw away.
It is also good to see that you are usually with someone else as you have a good time.
As you say, Christmas is almost with us (don't forget to wear your hattie) so we take this opportunity to wish more of the best for the rest of your jaunt and for 2011 too. We have a favourite card to show you when you arrive back in the UK.
Mum & Dad
Hi Jo...sounds like you are still having a great time doing lots of new adventures. The places you have been to sound fantastic and there are still lots more to do. (Did the catfish get ill after nibbling your feet???). Carry on enjoying yourself, take care and keep in touch.
Lot of love...Mum & Dad
Hi, The pics are fantastic. You will remember this birthday ,mate, for ever. What a fabulous experience. You carry on having the time of your life its great to see you so happy.
As xmas is approaching I will wish you a good un and a life changing new year. loads luv Moxx
Hey hun, Happy birthday! Thought I'd write on here in case you didn't get my message. Hope you had a brill day (and didn't get too inebriated?!). It's weird not going out for your birthday, it's like its not really that time of the year!
Miss you loads but loving the fact you're loving your adventures
Nic x x x
hi Joanne, it's so good to read about your adventurous experiences!
We must wish you a very happy birthday when you are having such a happy time out there.
We have just had our first snow - about 0.007 inches in half an hour.
We look pretty safe as far as the forecasters can predict !!!
You seemed to take all bar the kitchen sink as you left Wigan so don't worry about losing the odd pair of sunglasses or hat. Just keep your eye on your purse though!
All the best for future days.
Mum Dad
hi jo good to here u are well and having time of your life .bunggied out no doubt,.till next time that is!! got your dvds and photos in post.thanks for little keepsake. Birthday girl shortley,what a way to grow a year older eh!! be in touch.speak soon. love u loads mum dad xxxxx
Hey, don't forget to sit down drink your tea and eat your biscuits!!! Photos are amazing, stay safe and enjoy. looks like you are having the time of your life. Roisin x
hi again... dad says you will have no money left when you come back! but i thought that was the idea... might as well do things in a lovely country with lovely weather... i went to the 1930s house party... what a laugh... we had wizard of oz characters (as it was made in the 1930s!) we had munchkins running round the street being shot by gangsters, then the cowardly TIGER came on scene... yes a tiger not a lion as in the flim as the others told eric (who is chinese) that its a tiger!! so he arrived in an all in one tiger suit from primark!! (it was really a sleep suit) he also had his face painted... so funny i nearly wet myself... then dorothy arrived in a very skimpy dress... oh dorathy was a fella!!! they were then followed by a vicar, a real one who worked at steves school... well the story that goes with him is not for on here!!!! all in all much alcohol drank... munchkins on kareoke... and the cowardly tiger singing the eye of the tiger!!! really good night... off to ireland tonight so better get my stuff together... speak to you soon love lots!!!xxxxx