just a quick update for you! we came back to phiphi after 3 weeks in bali!
stayed here in phipih the whole time as we love it soooo much! really think it is the most beautiful place in the world!! Jen and i have partied hard in the bars here! the most random bar is one that has 2 thai boxing rings in it...and the drunks get to dress up in the boxing gear and hammer the s*** out of eah other!! pretty funny!!
the beaches are beautiful and a perfect hangover spot! The last 4 days jen has been on a liveaboard diving trip so i have had to make some new friends here on my own! The last two days i completed my advanced diving course which was excellent!!! even did a night dive..which i was a bit scared about but was actually lots of fun! the best part was surfacing next to an island and being completely surrounded by the moolight sky skattered in millions of stars!!
Tonight is my last night properly in thailand so i may have to do some tomorrow when jen returns we are getting the bus up to bangkok, which takes overnight then enough time in bangkok to do some shopping before we get on our flight to Australia!!! woooooohhoooooo finally ready to go, cant wait but i will miss thailand soooooooooooooooo much!!! defo coming back here again!!!!! hopefully in the not so distant future!!
god hope i dont lose my tan in oz!!haha
talk soon! xxx
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