hey guys
We have had a great few days in Bangkok, spending most of our time drinking or relaxing by the pool trying to get a tan....gradually getting there! great nightlife here and theres a good bar opposite our hotel.. so nice and convenient! Really relaxed after our hectic month in China!
Last night we decided to drink cans of beer from the shop and stroll down the street (yes like 15yr olds!) hassling the street food sellers and making them have pics with us...good idea we thought??! they were loving us!! so loads of amusing pics for u to see!!! The most weird sellers are these women ...who take it upon themselves to KIDNAP small birds...stuff them into tiny cages together ...then harass people to PAY to let the birds free!?!? what the hell is that all about?!!?
Today we took a trip round Bangkok in a Tuk Tuk...with some dodgy mad driver who charged us about 20p for about 3 hours driving!!...the only catch was that we had to go in these taylor and jewelery shops for a MINIMUM of 10 mins or else, haha...god knows why we guess he gets some commission for it....but we eventually got to see some great sights like the 45m budda, the Temple of Dawn and the Grand Palace. Was a funny day!! Going to be an early night for a change tonight as were catching a flight at 7 tom morning at Cambodia!! Not looking forward to getting up at 4! though the 1 hour flight is much better than the 15 hour minibus journey we nearly booked! definitely the best choice!
Its been a great 6days and we have Met some wicked people here, they have headed south to the islands yesterday while were heading to Cambodia tomorrow! Weird as everyones we meet are going in opposite directions! though hope to meet up again with these guys for a drink on a sandy thai beach!! (by the way if ya reading this Simon, James or Nick it means you have survived the 12 hour coach journey with Scouse Mouse, congratulations boys!! we know we wouldnt have made it all the way there without slitting our wrists ...or hers!)
Cambodia here we come!
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