European Adventure 2017
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Courville , France

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France 2017

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Courville, France

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Bradford, UK
Shirley milligan What a great start to your adventure - first a lovely family wedding (you all looked great) & then such friendly helpful French people. -2 overnight here, but with a bit of luck we'll get a sunny Saturday. Love John & Shirley x
re: Courville , FranceJoyce Many congratulations to the Bride & Groom. Wonderful you were able to be there with them. Beautiful photos.
re: Ryan and Clare's wedding!Shirley milligan Pleased you arrived safe & sound - albeit to a bit of stress! after your lovely warm welcome. How's the van sized camper working out?. We're on the coast for a few days & John has caught a couple of lovely trout. Look forward to hearing your adventures. Love John & Shirley
re: Bradford, UKJoyce Garner Great to hear you arrived safely and met up with family. Lovely photo of you and Clare. Love Joyce.
re: Bradford, UKRose & Bill good to have you back in the real world WHITEBAITING it will be hard to settle back into a normal life structure again. thanks for the blog I think you should write a travel book as we found the stories most informative.
re: Oh No! Time to go!Bex This blog entry seemed to cause a sudden sandstorm of grit to fly into my eyes... It's been fantastic having you both over here and to be able to meet up with you so frequently. We'll definitely be seeing you again before too long :) Safe journey home where I am sure you have been greatly missed. Xx
re: Oh No! Time to go!John & Jane It was fantastic to see you both again - great company! Perhaps a reciprocal visiting arrangement on alternate years? We'll be sad to see you leave. I would have loved to come to see you safely on your way, but the practicalities make it impossible. Jo; could you please text me your flight No and departure time (BST) and I'll see if I can see your departure on FlightRadar24. Have a safe and comfortable return journey, and convey our best wishes to the Kiwis - especially aunty Mary! Until the next time... xx
re: Oh No! Time to go!Jo Kidd So glad you enjoyed reading it Jane as I certainly enjoyed writing it. We will flick over the pages and bring back many happy memories for years to come. See you next time. X
re: Oh No! Time to go!Jo Kidd No free peddlers but the ones facing backwards found it eerie not seeing where they were going. We were flying along as we all peddled scattering people before us! Great fun!
re: Goodbye PragueDave A. Wow, such a fantastic trip. Sad to leave Ryan again too but great that you've been able to catch up with so many others. See you back down under soon. Love D.
re: Oh No! Time to go!Jane I'm so sorry to see you go...... What am I to look forward to reading now. I have really enjoyed your blog, it's been lovely to see places through your eyes. So glad you have had such a good time, hope to see you again soon. Have a safe journey back, I'm sure leaving will be bitter sweet, but celebrations will be the order of the day when you get back. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. God bless, love jane xx
re: Oh No! Time to go!Jane Never seen one of those before. Guess you all had to agree on the direction. Were there some free peddlers??
re: Goodbye Prague- last visited

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Shirley milligan What a great start to your adventure - first a lovely family wedding (you all looked great) & then such friendly helpful French people. -2 overnight here, but with a bit of luck we'll get a sunny Saturday. Love John & Shirley x