hey guys well the last few days since being in manali i have been really sick and ended up in hospital because i got that bad. i had to go on a drip and everything which kinda sucked. the hospital was really dirty as well which didt help matters really but i was in suc h a state i didt even remeber getting there lol. but im on the mend now so dont worry i have 5 duffernt tpys of drugs to keep me on the stragit and narrrow.
So manali hasnt been the big adventuer i was expecting really so the las5t 4 days have sucked a bit. went out last night for the first time as i was feeling a bit better that i was able to leave my sick bed for the 1st time in days since arriveing. we went to a really cool local festival with a group that we have met on our travels.
any ways im going to try and do some mountain biking or something to day as im feeling up to it and we dont have long here so il speake soon
love john
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