Been a busy last couple of days. Managed to polish up my cv and took it around a couple of the bar/restaurants up in the cove. I handed it into one place and the manager chased me down the street... Lucky for him I wasn't running ;) I sat and had a little chat with him and he offered me a job on the spot! It's just bar work for 5-6 days just to help them during the international boat show but if anything it's another piece of 'event' work for the cv. Done 2 shifts already all a great bunch up there and there loving the Scottish accent haha. Getting paid $18 per hour which works out at £12 an hour. Not too shabby.
Dads been speaking to one of his business associates and could possibly secure me a job and accommodation a couple of hours drive up north which is good.
Currently planning a wee trip to meet some friends and go to Morton island and stay over. It's an amazing place so lots of pictures will be taken.
I think I'm finally finished with jet lag... Thank the lord. Was rather annoying being woken up at half 5 and falling asleep at 6pm... Felt like an old man!
So boat show official starts tomorrow, expecting a crazy couple of days in the bar. Think new years eve amount of customers for 4 days straight...
Right time to get some tim tams!
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