Hi Jo, enjoyed catching up with you on Sunday, it's was good to hear your voice,(although enjoying learning to blog)!! your pics are great, the dancing elephant reminds me of a certain dance class on a wednesday night!!!!!!enjoy New Zealand lol dad xxxxxxx
Hi Joanna, great to have had a chat with you at the weekend, you certainly have packed loads into your trip so far,and thanks for clearing up the 'time difference 'thing for me, just in time for you flying off to New Zealand, oh well here we go again!!!!! good morning?? night?? whatever!! miss you, love mum xxxx
Hi!! It was great to hear from you last night and hear how it is all going! I was laughing so much reading your blog - I thought 'manly' surf competition just meant there were a lot of men in it!! I was thinking no wonder they two sat out in the miserable weather to watch the men!! Ha Ha!! Your pics are fab!!! I especially liked the two cheeky monkeys at the end!! I hope you are enjoying your lovely hotel room and pampering yourself!!
Take care!! Lots of love,
Lisa xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Auntie Mgt
Hello Joanna, hope you enjoyed your birthday, i didn't even have a drink on your birthday, although i thought about you all day, but will be able to have one/two when you come home, enjoy the rest of your holiday, take care love Auntie Mgt xxxx
Gran Mcc
Hi Joanna, it's been wonderful following your expeditions (it's better than watching celtic)!!!! just think when you come home we have your birthday to celbrate all over again, if it's as wonderful as it was in Sydney we're in for a good time, looking forward to that, enjoy the rest of your trip all my love Gran xxxxxxxx
Hey Jo, Hope u had fab 30th Birthday. Sounds and looks like u are having a ball out there...... Enjoy every minute of it, Love Lots Lee xxxxx
Hey Joanna! Happy 30th Birthday - one you will never forget. Glad you are having a great time. Pic's are fab....all that way to meet Irish guys...lol Take care Lou & Gary x x x
Caitlin Aitken
hello joanna , happy birthday ! my mum tried to send a msg yerterday from all of us + gran bt it never sent . hope u had a good day ? if your with julie ask her to go on her bebo to c the pics of neive ! a was goin to try n send a pic through this bt i isnt lettin me send it ! love caitlin xxxxxx
Erin Fletcher
Many happy returns!! What a great way to celebrate your birthday! Love E, S and I xx
Kenny, Frieda & Kids
Hope you're enjoying yourself and have a great day!
We're thinking of you, have fun and take care.
Marie & Derek
Happy birthday Joanna!
Hope you have (had) a fantastic day. It's still your birthday here so Derek & I are having another glass of wine to celebrate.
Marie & Derek.
happy birthday joanna lots o luv from the cat the dog &me hope u hav a good 1 xxxxx that beech reminds me of burntisland lol