Hey Jo,
Fiji looks fab,beautiful white beaches and crystal seas,wish I was there. Time seems to be flying by just now, not long till your home now, hope you've enjoyed chilling out. Have a fab time in Hong Kong and i'll catch up with you soon. Looking forward to having you home.
Fi xxx
Scott and I just looking at your pictures and wish we were there. You are so lucky, enjoy it. Have a great last week, really looking forward to seeing you when you get home. We will have loads to catch up on.
Love Jill xxx
Been following ur posts and pictures with a great deal of jealousy, u look as if u have been having a fantastic time and u deserve it! Erin been following 2, keeps asking, "Where is joanna now?"
Can't believe ur home next week, looking forward 2 catching up and hearing all ur stories. x
Hi Jo, Just had a wee lookie at your pics how amazing and some familiar sights too! Looks like your having fun and meeting some great pals! Look forward to seeing you soon! Susie x
Claire And Nicholas
Sooo jealous!!!! I want to be in Fiji too. Glad you're having such a good time, enjoy the nice weather while you have it. Its freezing back here.
Can't believe you are back so soon.
Possible girl night out on the 23rd - does that suit you? still checking with others
Frieda Nolan
Hi Jo
Fiji looks fabulous. Must be great to be somewhere hot and sunny. Cant believe you will soon be on your journey back, the time has just gone so quickly. Have a great final week. C u soon, luv x
WOW!! It looks absolutely stunning!!!! The rain has let up a little bit here so hopefully you will bring back some of the gorgeous sunshine with you!!!
Keep relaxing!!
Love Lisa xxx
Hi Joanna, Figi looks gorgeous, whats that bright,warm,yellow thing in the sky?? oh, it's the sun, make the most of it, it's dark,rainy & cold here, only thing giving dad & me a warm glow is looking forward to seeing you next week,'can't believe it! enjoy the final week of your wonderful adventure, all our love, mum xxx
Bula Joanna!!!
Glad to hear that you have arrived safely in Fiji!! Your hotel sounds gorgeous!! It was great to speak to you last night! Argh!! Can't believe it is only a week on Wednesday until you are home, so make sure and enjoy the sunshine while you can!!!!
Love Lisa xxx
Hey jo, your pics are fab! NZ is amazing fun, so glad you got a chance to go on the luge in Queens town its such a laugh.
So what country do you fancy living in now?!? (kidin jo's mum and dad!!)
Bring on Fiji !- hope you have a fab time, Love Karen x
hey, how cute is Melody (and the shepherd.) Blue pools looked beautiful to. Bet you can't wait for Fiji, chill out and relax while you are there.
Lots of love Fi xxx
Lisa & John
Hey banana!! Your pics are fab, it is great to get a wee update of what you have been up to. We are so proud of you doing your hike, good on you!!! Enjoy every second of NZ and look foward to hearing about you relaxing in Fiji!!