Just arrived in Beijing now, witht he rest of my group were all splitting up tomorrow though and everyones leaving beijing by monday i think so ill be on my own untill the 5th (whatever day that it, i can no longer remeber what day is what!).
Mongolia was excellent, we had a really good honcho (a personal guide in each city) and she took us to the ger camp. It was amazing scenary over there and we stayed in really nice accomaditon a traditional ger. (my comptuers not working very well at the monet so no photos as of yet). I tried some traditonal (i think at least) goat pancakes, which were really nice! Very flavoursome and aparently tasted like mutton according to Ghino. This was the first stop that we had for more that 20 mintues of the station so everyone, who had all kinda gone abit crazy, ran out of the ger to acatully use our muscles and walk. Me and 2 other managed to climb to the top of one of the hills and get a great veiw of our camp. But i think the best thing was went went to go horse back riding which was different to anything that ive done in england becuase the horse actually did what you told it instead of following the horse in front. Although my horse responded to Oliver. Everytime he said geear (giddy up) my horse went faster! I think i got a lazy horse though, he didn't feel like trotting very much and managed a canter for all of 2 seconds.
The next day, after a contiuation of our "were on the vodka train so we have to drink vodka" we set of back to Ulaan Bataar and our honcho Flower (she said her name in mongolian was too hard to pronouce) took us to see some tradtional mongolian musci. Which was interesting, the have a horse headed fiddle which only has 2 string but they can make some amazing sounds! And a tradtional way of singing which uses your lungs which basically sounds like a digaredoo but with your voice. I'll try to upload my videos. Went then expericed the more modern music when there was a mongolian rock band performing at our resturant!
We then had to get onto another train! only for one night though so it wasn't too bad. Especially seen as evryeon was so used to trying to use up time that 12 hours of sitting around actually went rather quickly. I think about 3 hours was used up just by playing cards (I've now learnt 3 different card games, on of the being a russia crad game). It all turned hysteia on the chinese border though where the train has to change it wheels because the track in china is 3 inches thinner than monglia and russia. Our cabin turned into a mini disco playing our music with little speakers, unfortuanly i don't think the attendants were too impressed. But it was helping us take our mind off the fact that everyone needed the toilet but were stuck for 3 and a half hours without being able to use it becuase the waste just goes straight onto the track.
So yesterday we arrived in Bejing at 2.30pm and we had our first real chinese meal. Which was so nice but there was so much food that evryone was stuffed! We must of had at least 15 dishes not inclusing rice, soup, chinese chips and duck pancakes. And it only came to 4.50 each! We've just come back from our trip to the great wall which has tired everyone out becuase the way we went had the steepest steps ever! (probably not the steepest steps along the wall but it felt like it) You'll see what i mean when i get the photos up! On the way back we stopped off a tea house to have a tradtional tea ceremony where we tried 4 different teas and were told what ecah of the did. I didn't buy any though as i was quite expensive and i hope to get some cheaper from a market.
Anyway i need to go now and shower because were going to see an arobatics and kung fu show tonight. We saw the chinese opera last night, which hardly had any singing in it and was sort of an artobatics show with a story and lots of stick fights (kinda hard to explain).
Can everyone who reads this send family and freinds and whoever might be interested in what i'm doing the web address?
Thanks and don't forget to message!
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