Today was our tour to Kennedy Space Centre (Cape Canaveral). We had to catch a bus to another Disney park and then a boat to another resort just to make the tour bus, we made it by a few minutes, man I was stressing and Andrew was stressing because I was, it was crazy but we made it and it was all good. We had the best tour bus driver so far. He was a self confessed space freak and gave everyone the best tips on where to sit in the imax theatre and all the info on what NASA has done, not only with their space programs but also the spinoff technology they have heavily influenced the making of, i.e. microwaves, medical equipment, mobile phones and many more things. Anyway the driver has visited the centre over 1000 times and it was great to listen to someone with so much passion for a place and who wasn't just sticking to a script. So the space center is huge, there is the main visitor complex and from there you get on the space centre's buses to 3 other sectors of the complex. The space centre is a working facility and the security is pretty tight when going through. You cannot take in any weapons or sharp objects etc (same as when you are flying). They check your bag and you also have to turn on your phones and all cameras to make sure they are all working so you cannot take in a camera or phone with a flat battery that cannot be turned on, they have to be working and GPS's are not allowed at all. The Kennedy Space Centre is not like all the other tourist attractions around, there are no roller coasters or anything, it is about information and education, a behind the scenes look at what NASA does in particular the space programs. It was pretty interesting to see how the space shuttles are assembled, transported and launched, it is such an amazing process. There was a launch that was scheduled for the day before we arrived, but that has been delayed, a launch would be awesome to see. This ended up being a full day, so after about an hour drive back we got dropped off back to downtown Disney so we could get something to eat. We went to the Rainforest Café, it was about 6:45pm and there was already an hour and 45 minute wait time, but it must have been for parties of 3 or more because we got to go straight through. We had some nice cocktails again, although they were nowhere as big as those in Miaimi, but they give you newboxed souvenir glasses to take home, so it makes the cocktails either free or the glasses free (because you can buy the glasses in the gift shop). We are going to have to start posting stuff back soon, I can't believe it hasn't been a week yet and we have stuff to send back……………lol although AndrewCAN believe it. So tomorrow is our trip to Discovery Cove and I cannot wait.
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