We just booked our annual week at Hood for Will's birthday. We'll shred a few sweet runs for you. thanks for sharing your adventures and i hope we share adventures together soon <3 ~ cousin ev
Thinking of you guys too. Especially today as I came across some most excelente tshirts. Viva la revolución!
We think about you often and are sending much thanksgiving love your way - will & ev
Hey Joe, take some quick videos with the people you meet if possible and send them. Like Scot with the cast. What happened? Would he tell us?
Where will they put the dogs next? Having the time of my life here, wouldn't change a thing. if double crossing Israelis is as bad as it gets ill be just fine. I'm enjoying the blog quite a bit too, helps me keep track of things, they happen so fast sometimes.
Joe, you are killing me with this s***. (I'm copying your technique with profanity) Thanks for the great blog. Vicarious adventure is better than no adventure at all. Roof dogs, forsooth!
So this is the sort of description that makes a mother gulp. "30 ft deep in a close out barrel".
I can only trust that you are tapping into your reserve of nerves of steel genetic material ( clearly NOT from me) and a gigantic lung capacity. "Be careful" sounds a little ridiculous. " Ride the crazy" is my new personal motto for working in a management capacity but perhaps it should be broadened to include a wide range of activities including tow surfing. Love you kid. Come home in one piece please!
Dogs of Mexico -- ROTFL! Keep it up, bud. Wish I could join you down there!!
I love to read your blog! Checked in today. But, have mercy, no more puke pictures, pah-lease!! Well, I guess it's your blog. Post all the puke pictures you want. I was doing fine with the 1, 2, 3. It was 4 that got me.
Surf photos coming up.... Hard to do the waves justice from the shore
Love the real el junior especially. The dogs too. Good lord. Keep it coming.