It is a long time ago since we met on Galapagos. I finally found a little bit of a spare time to read your travel blog! Amazing things you have done and seen!
I have travelled to Chile, Easter Islands, Tahiti, New Z, Australia, Hong Kong and Vietnam in the meantime. All of it was very different and I have been to stunning beautiful places all over...
Hope you are good!
Greetings to Katherine too.
Lots of love,
photos look awesome mate! Hope you having fun! X
Heather Wilson
Hi Jo!
Sounds like you're having an amazing time - I'm very jealous, but not sure I could hack the fire ants!! I'm guessing the pool house is rather different from the one we visited in King's Cross! Perhaps we should have asked them if we could tilt one end to make it easier for us?!
I'm really enjoying reading your blog - so keep up the good work... as and when you have access to computers that is.
Lots of love,
Heaths xxx
hola amiga!
Loved looking at your photos. The slideshow is very nice on this website.
I have just wasted about 20 litres of water experimenting: It seems that the water goes clockwise, but by swirling it anticlockwise before realeasing the plug I was able to fool it! Now I feel a bit silly as I have just read the message below!
You're inspiring me to get my arse into gear organising a trip for next Summer.
Take care
Lots of love and kisses
Ceri x
Hi Jo!
No, toilet water goes the same way whereever you are in the world!
Sounds like you are having a great time out there - try to think of us out in grim, rainy london while you are enjoying the sun and volcanos! We'll raise a glass to you at the xmas party :)
Hi Hun!
Glad to hear you are ok and loving the cake men!
All sounds v exciting where you are and definitely an amazing adventure.
I am missing having you around already especially as I had my first drop of alcohol today after 19 weeks! I want to go out drinking with you now!
Have also been for an interview this week so could be changing jobs (again!)
Look forward to hearing more from you soon.
Take care, Leah xx
PS love the purple coat!
Clearly the most articulate one in the family - almost feel like am there without the need to wear a jumper ! of course missing you but really excited for you and to next adventure installments - take care and of course have fun ! lol pete & roxxx
Wow exciting stuff, that national park sounds amazing...can't wait for the next instalment!!
hola yo
espero que usted tenga un gran tiempo senorita.
how long are you there for? are you going to see lonesome george?