sorry its been awhile since i updated this!literally have not had a chance to get on the internet!!so this is going to be a long one!!
i have left Melbourne now after spending a week there!was sooo much fun!!
so after spending 2nights in my first hostel in melbourne city i desided to move to St.kilda where hayley was staying and some how very shocking i got up got the tram and got to the other side off melbourne on my own!!i was so impressed with myself lol back at home i dont go anywhere on my own i have to reley on mums taxi's service!l:-)
so yea manged to get to Base hostel in st.jilda which was the nicest hostel ever so clean and you get a fluffy towel!it sounds tsupid but you dont relise how much you miss the basic home comforts when your not at home and living out of a backpack!
so the 1st night in base me and hayley got very drunk on thge free champange from ladis night!it is the worse tasting stuff ever but it does the job nicely which when your on a budget you dont care about lol!i had planed to have a quite one but you no what its like 1 turns in to 2 and then 2 turns in to far to many! after stumbling in at 3am after such a fun night i ahd to be up and ready for 7am to go on my Great ocean road trip!
so the Great ocean road was AMZING!i wasnt to sure about booking the trip but two of the girls i met in the first hostel wanted to go so i booked it and went with them!but i am so glad i did it! i not genrally a scenery person but i was amzed it is so beatiful!we went to bell's beach, saw the famous sights along the coast of southern australia, then after lunch we visted the 12 aposeles they call them the 12 aposels all though there are now only 8 as they have fallen down!not stasfied from a view from the ground me and karen desided to get a helicopter ride and see the coast from the sky!it was defently the best 70dollars i have ever spent!!its beatiful! also i saw my first Koala there soooo cute dont think i have ever been so excited about seeing an animal in my life!but there so cute!
in Melbourne i spent many nights out and not getting in until 7am!opps!dont now how i manged that!aswell as doing what i do best and partying i did loads when in melbourne, we went for a walk down st'kilda beach, along the peir trying to spot the penguins but were unsuccessful,we went to the edge which is melbournes viewing tower so we got a nice view of the whole of melbourne,we walked round the city did some shopping walked along the river, and went to an ice bar! there is so much to do in Melbourne its very similar to london but with a slower pace!
On my last night in Melbourne we went to Neighbours night! if you do anything when in melbourne evryone says do the neighbours night, it is so cheesy and tacky but the bets night out!i meet karl kenndy, and 3other people who i cnt rember the names of lol, karl played in his band as did paul robinson!they are both really good bands but singing english songs in a very strong australian acsent is very strange!
so that was my last night in melbourne, after melbourne i am taking a 3 day tour to sydney so will update with picture etc asap!x
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