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Smile nice one
re: Relaxing in Mamallapuramkerala registration...Where did you get it from?
re: And they're off....bright
re: And they're off....terry Goulding Absolutely stunning - this is how I remembered it.
re: First stop Nairobimiyagi30 come on dolly another fantastic read Jo, telling all my work mates here in Brisbane about your travels and stories, they send their best wishes and say that you are a loony,, addicted to your posts now so keep them coming! go gentle with Dolly! she is doing so well so far!! travel hard and dont forget to let us know how to sponsor you!! money well spent!!
re: gudurdrew68 Go ahead! I can only dream (but not when I'm driving) about what is coming next!
re: Hinghanghatmiyagi30 hooked totally hooked on your travels! sounds amazing and read with utter jealousy! keep traveling hard and enjoy!! Hope dolly hangs in there! jason
re: Another day, another breakdown...hangerhead Another excellent travelpod Jo - congratulations to you both for setting out on this amazing journey, and I wish strength to your steering arms :) I still very much enjoy reading your travelpods - seriously, look at getting paid to do it! Geoff.
re: And they're off....Jane Carso Good Luck What can I say... all the hairy chest mate !! I would love to say I'm envious of you but I'm not - I'm in awe !! I hope it all goes to plan and that your problems are few and far between ! Anyway, take care both of you and I look forward to hearing all about your adventures when you get home. I'm off to lie on a beack in Crete now, but don't fret pet... I'll be thinking of you tuk tuking away :o) Janers xxx
re: Zero hour approaches....Nic and Ads Betts/Hogarth Jo you are just NUTS!! Hey mate, Nikki B here e-mailing you from my very cold camper van in New Zealand! Just found your blog entry on the home page of travel pod and instantly new the crazy tuk tuk picture in Nepal MUST be you!!! Can't beleive it has come round so quickly since our beers at christmas but just to say GOOD LUCK with it buddy and can't wait to read/hear all about it. Loads a love, Nic n Ads xx P.S See you in Dec 08!
re: The calm before the storm...Louise Brown So awesome! I'm so excited for you guys! *Cheering on the home team* Louise Brown TravelPod Community Manager
re: Namastedrew68 When will I be famous? Doing crazy things is a way to become celebrities. Hey, you got TWO articles for this awesome adventure! I will keep my fingers crossed (not on May 30th and 31st, though).
re: UpdatesLouise Brown Hurray! Can't wait to read about your travels, I'm excited for you! Louise Brown TravelPod Community Manager
re: Yippee!!norbat looks better now I was there in 1992 and things sure look better now
re: Lebanon