Thanks Nancy. I am sooooo looking forward to it but procrastinating on my packing. Probably because I look at all the stuff I have put aside to pack and I am wondering how the heck I am going to ever fit that stuff in the suitcase I want to take. To much stuff,the story of my life.
Well ttyl my friend.
Nancy Judge
Sept. 14
Hey Joanie,
I'm so darn proud of you for deciding to go on this European trip. Have a grand time and be sure to write frequently. I so enjoy watching Rick Steves' show because I like to travel. Oh, I complain about different things, but I do enjoy seeing all the photos and stories.
Don't worry about anything, your life will be enhanced by everything you see and experience. I know you don't leave until the 19th, yet I couldn't wait to be the 1st person to send you a message.