Wicked website guys, looks like a great trip. NZ is the ducks nuts at the moment, and is awaiting your arrival..suns out, the waters warm and the BBQ has been going overtime. Have a blast
Anne And Malcolm
Hello Both. I have enjoyed reading your 'diary' and tracking your journeys on the map. You seem to have done a mega journey by bus across half the continent and now you have flown the other half! Will you visit Tierra del Fuego, or even Las Malvinas? I seem to have missed a bit, though. Where did you go from Cyprus? I think you went home for a few days but am not sure. We'll be on the move soon (though not on as vast a scale as you), as Malcolm has been relocated to Loughborough. He'll be Technical Manager which I understand to mean running projects instead of working on them although there is more to it than that. It seems he may also be teaching at the University (Hi Prof!). Edmund has also moved from London to Bristol and is presently lodging with Simon as he looks for work to fund his studies in India. It is not as cold here as last weekend when we had wonderful frosts, clear blue skies and sunshine but we did have some snow on Friday. I look forward to your next installment. Take care. Love Anne. PS It's Steve's birthday today!
Hola Whitneys, good to see you're off to a great start. I had a taquila-tastic time in Mexico but its damn cold back here in blighty.
Needless to say you'll be missed at the Otter dinner but we'll make sure theres a couple of extra Abba and Tiffney numbers played in your honour as I know its the cheesy music you'll be wishing you were there for more than anything.
Try not to wrestle any more aligators..
Hasta la Vista
Suzanne & Steve
Hi guys, it's been so cold here the last few days all I can say is wish we weren't here....... and what's this I see in a previous message from mum and dad, about Sounds like you're having the best time, enjoy and keep on making us jealous.
Lots of love, Suz XXXX
Gina G
Looks like you're really struggling with it all. Tell you what, come back to London and be the handicapper again - I haven't made it to a race yet and it's already stressing me out - I definitely don't have your eye for numbers, although I am infinitely more corruptable. Keep the photos coming - they're fantastic. Gina xx
Mum @ Dad In Cyprus
have now got the hang of viewing all the photos and enlarging them. We are enthralled by all the places and the sights especially the flora and fauna fantastic. Having seen the rain in Brazil I wondered whether Jo invested in that jacket! We wait with anticipation the next installment.love from Mum and Dad.
Steve & Suzanne
Only just discovered this site - what a first class idea. Just looking at the pictures of the waterfall made me want to go to the loo. You wait 'til you've passed fifty....... Got some nice pictures of you two and your Mum and Dad Stuart, if we can send them to you let me know. You're missing some really great weather here by the way - frost on the ground all day, sub-zero overnight for days on end, scraping the car windscreen, you know, that sort of s***.....
Have a really great trip, will write again later.
Checked out the site, great photos and stories. Looks like fun, and great wildlife. Great adventure, can we come and join you, b***** this working thing, bored with it. Want to swim with gators and snakes too. Keep the photos and updates coming.
Nikki & Matt
Hi guys,
great idea with the website!! so sorry we didnt see you before you went, but will look forward to reading about your adventures. lots of love. nik, matt, ben. xx
Jane Mcm
Great pics - those waterfalls are definitely on my list - not sure about the biting animals though. Stuart you would have been delighted to miss an epic cheese ridden night at Infernos last week which no-one can remember. Ross's 30th and the dinner to get through in the next week before we don't have any livers left .. and the Christmas parties haven't even begun! We're definitely missing Stuart the king of handicapping as Fiona and I couldn't quite get our small brains round the maths (well I'll speak for myself there or I'll get beaten up) for the 200 last night. Motivation definitely low for training at the moment. Take care. Keep the updates going! LOL Jane x
That's better ... photos! But where is the spitting llama?
Jimmy K
Hi Stuart and Jo,
Awesome pics... I particularly like the one where Stuart is standing in a piranha-infested lake watching an alligator watching him. I guess that was how you felt when we shared the same lane for training...
Anyway, glad you are having such a fantastic time, I can't tell you how jealous I am out here in cold Amsterdam.