Jo's Most Excellent Adventure
My last but one journal entry....sob sob feelings like I'm saying goodbye to an old friend!
So here I am on my last day in Fiji having passed a verrrrryyy strenuous week island hopping north west of Nadi. Beautiful weather except for one day when it poured and poured and poured and our hostel leaked! I found it all remarkably amusing watching all the other backpackers running around trying to save their stuff from floating out to sea.....infact me holding sweepstakes on who would lose the most worldly possessions probably wasn't the most helpful!!
Awesome snorkelling and yes, I finally found Nemo! Lots of underwater photos to come soon! Also of me with my new super tan, hurrah!
What else, what else.....hmmm....nothing really, I've literally done absolutely nothing for a whole week! Oooh beachcombing, I beachcombed for a bit but....thats about it!
Hmmm, how dull this journal entry is....I feel I should make up some stuff....erm......never mind.
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