Hey everyone!
Im here, I eventually made it! Im In Bangkok and having an awesome time!
The flights were all good, had a 2 hour delay at Bahrain but lots of coffee got me through that bit, and facebook haha! No problemo getting thorugh Thai immigration, even though peoples bags were being pulled apart by some scary people with guns. Being blonde and english meant i got waved through!
Hotel is gorgeous, Room is fantastic, air con is the best invention and the swimming pool is a great treat! The bus journey in was fun and getting off was an experience in itself!
Ok so now i was refreshed and ready to hit bangkok. I was expecting a dive to be honest, after what everyone has told me. But i really like the place. Its got such a wonderful atmosphere and the people are so incredibly friendly. I walked to the Khaosan road and did my first bit of bartering, they saw me coming! haha but i still knocked them down. Cheapest pair of raybands il ever buy! the hang of the money has been amusing. I dont know what im doing! But after meeting up with Amy last night, she gave me some tips so back on track and ready to haggle!
After that I found a park and just chilled for a bit. however being on your own is not an option with thai people as they are always chatting to you. telling you where to go and what to see. so overly friendly. I kept waiting for the bit where they would say i can take you there or il get the tickets for you, but they didnt! they just shook me hand and went on the merry way. I have never felt so safe in a foreign country. Im not worried about walking round on my own (dont worry mum im still being careful).
I decided to go and visit a wat, and the nice chap that worked there, obv saw the look of bemusement on my face as I hadn't a clue what to do, took me under his wing and told me all about the wat. At this point the heavens opened and it poured! so much fun! the wind got up. The next thing i know after chatting to this wat chap for a while he said i needed to go and see the giant buddha as it was a special day. Now he was about the 5th person to tell me this today and apparently it was deemed as very lucky! one day of the year. So next thing you know im in a tuk tuk - OH WHAT FUN!!!!! and being driven down backstreets and on the wrong side of the road to the giant buddha - which was pretty big!!! Was fabulous with very big feet! so who knows if i was was a vicitm of a commision but i had a great time and the tuk tuk ride was brilliant, especially in the middle of a downfall!
Met up with Amy in the evening and met her chap and friends who were lovely! Took me to this lovely restaurant and ordered so much food! had a few beers and the bill came to a whopping 3 quid! and i had one very full tummy! They then took me to a bar called Hippie bar, which was great fun. But i didnt last long as i hadnt slept in 39hours and the beers took effect.
So today i got up early....... 12.30pm whoops! i blame it on the jet lag and i headed off to the Grand Palace. I have never seen anything so beautiful! Really is breathtaking, i know the photos will do no justice! the temple itself was so intricate and delicate! Really was something. The highlight was when i fell over, slippy! hehe all ok but was dead funny and this guard came to my rescue, much to the amusement of everyone else!
So after walking through yet more street markets, If you want to buy something this is the place, clothes, fake ids, sunnies, any wooden object, knives, jewellery, coins the list goes on.... Though it puts a whole new meaning to meat on a stick! im sure i saw someone selling b******s! walk on by!!!! not brave enough to try that yet haha. So i then jumped on the wrong boat, jumped off and jumped back on the right boat! hehe.
But Im really well and having a great time. I didnt realise how easy it is to travel on your own. The language doesnt seem to a barrier here as everyone speaks english and iv just done that terribly english thing of waving like a mad woman and speaking slower in the hope they would understand... oh dear! weirdly they usually do. My attempt at Thai has been some what poor and they seem to look at me like im bonkers! I will persist! There is a distinct smell here to.... a mix of heat, cooking meat and sewers its not that greatest but you get used to. I wouldnt call Bangkok a pretty city but it certainly has something and if you can avoid the touristy spots of english louts on stag doos it really is lovely.
I have one more day in bangkok, hoping to have a facial and massage, with a bit of shopping tomorrow! then off to chiang mai!
Love you all loads, hopefully write soon, missing you all
Jo xxx
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