Okay, sort of a case of too much of a good thing. We have opted out of today. There were lots of activities around whale watching, fishing and cultural shows but for this short day in port, we decided to do ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING.
I know it sounds a waste, but it turned out to be the perfect pace for us.
Had a sleep in. Headed to breakfast/lunch right on 11 am so we got the last 30 minutes of the breakfast menu and combined it with the first 30 minutes of the lunch menu.
We strolled into town after the tour group rush and had a wander around and went into the backstreets to pick up our wooden totem (our sole souvenir of the room in luggage for extras).
Dinner was at Cagney's and yep, it was Chocaholics night and Mac set a new benchmark for dessert consumption. There were eight on the menu tonight - all of them found their way to Cagney's - and Mac ate six of them. He almost has his own cheer squad of wait me, I'm not part of it!
Not sure how he managed to sit through "Rock You Tonight" but he did.
Set the clocks back to "Mindy and Ian" time tonight..,we must be getting closer to Canada!
Temperature: 12C
Bear Sightings = 0
Total Bear Sightings = 12
Things @AuntyGail and @Paul forgot to tell us about cruising:
1. The best TV channel available is Cruise Tracker.
2. The second best TV channel available is the Front of Ship Webcam.
3. The worst channel is the Ship Shopping Channel.
4. At-home-basic you miss most is "newspaper with coffee" combo.
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