Saturday morning we got up around 8:30 to go to breakfast.There was a diner in my Paris book called Breakfast in America that we wanted to try out.Plus my book said that it was cheap which is always a plus.We both got 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, toast, and potatoes.We got about 6 potato hunks with our meal and one glass of juice to share and it came to 20 euro!It was ridiculous!That's almost $30.I can't even begin to think about how much food I could buy from Aunt Maryanne's diner with $30 at breakfast-time.So after that disappointing meal we were off to start our day.The next place we tried to go to was a nearby church that we couldn't get into.It wasn't looking like it was going to be a good day for us, but at least the weather was decent so far.
We went to Les Catacombs.Back in the 1700's a plague hit Paris and so many people died that they had to exhume the cemeteries and put the bones in quarries underground in the city.Mike was really creeped out by the whole thing but I thought it was really cool.
We wandered around the Latin Quarter for a little bit and worked our way towards the Pantheon.It was amazing!It was huge and had statues and gold everywhere.Of course we went down to the crypts in there too.I took a ton of pictures in there, it was hard not to.It was so interesting.Because it was all marble it was absolutely freezing in there.By the time we left my hands were numb and I was ready to get back outside in the sun.When we came out we were really close to the Luxembourg Gardens so we wandered through those as a shortcut to our next stop.I've come to realize that there are just statues everywhere in Paris.The gardens were filled with even more statues to take pictures of.Also, the palace where the congress lives is in the Luxembourg Gardens.We wanted to go to St. Sulpice, which was in St. Germain des Pres.When we got outside the church we found ourselves in front of Les Deux Magots!It's a café that's really expensive, so I didn't want to eat or drink anything there, but I did want to see it.F. Scott Fitzgerald loved that café and even wrote part of The Great Gatsby when he would go to that café.So that was a pleasant surprise to stumble upon.After the St. Sulpice we grabbed lunch at McDonald's and checked out a few more churches.
We went to a park on the opposite side of the river from Notre-Dame and hung out there for a little while to relax and figure out our next move because we were seeing everything there was to see so fast!We decided that since it was still decent weather out we should go on a night cruise along the Seine.It was about 5:00 so we slowly ambled our way down along the river and checked out the artist's stands and everything they had on display.When we got down to where the tours started it was about 5:45, but it was still light out.The next tour was at 6:30 which was perfect timing.Of course right as we started the tour it started to rain.We sat down under the cover but I wouldn't be able to get good pictures.So we decided to sit outside and brave the rain.It really wasn't too bad so Mike just held the umbrella for us and I was in charge of the picture taking.I was able to get some great pictures and it was also pretty romantic.Everyone is right; Paris really is a romantic city.Even when it's raining and you have to room with a stinky homeless man.
After the cruise we went to Ed again and got some dinner to cook because I was not trying to spend ridiculous amounts of money on food that isn't even worth it.After dinner we hung out for a little while then went back to the room.The stinky man was gone so we relaxed for a while and read our books.Our new roommate came back around 12.He was from Chicago and was pretty cool.We hung out for a while then went to bed.
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