Aneesa and Nadine, a couple we know from the UK, met us on our first day in BA. It was great to be welcomed here and shown what's what in the city, and also hear of their trip across South America as they have come from where we're heading.
We had drinks in a few bars, including the oldest cafe in BA, and watched tango in a square, then later in the evening took a taxi to a restaurant. The driver was called Rodollfo Cutufia. He asked us what we all did and Aneesa explained that she's a singer. Redolfo then said that if she sang first he would as well.
After Aneesa had impressed us, he worked his way through a few tango classics (that's what he said they were) in a lovely warble.
Redolfo (who looked like Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm) then explained that he's famous. He pulled out lots of laminated newspaper cuttings featuring his picture and interviews. He makes everyone who gets in his taxi write in a book, saying who they are and some sort of message - that combined with the singing has been a winning formula for Redolfo.
In my terrible spanish I asked him if he liked football and his reply was something like, 'of course.' When I told him that we had tickets to the Superclassico (Boco Juniors Vs River Plate (the biggest derby in the world)) his eyes lit up. We talked some more about football and I managed to understand that he hates Maradona as a coach (he's the current Argentinian national team manager) but that he was a genius as a player. They call him Grande Diego, big Diego.
After the ride, which seemed a long way round but we didn't mind, we went and ate great steak. I had a piece of sirloin that you could prop a door open with.
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