Flowers are out down the West Coast - best in ten years, apparently! Jealous? Thought not! Aren't you getting tired of having so much fun and enjoying so many new experiences?
Keep well!!
Aaaah! It all looks absolutely wonderful, I have not been very good at following your every move and finally got around to logging into the site and I cant believe how much you have done already...I loved the pic of you guys on the elephant, it really made me laugh :-)) If you are still in Sydney please send a big fat kiss onto Sly and Trinks. Have fun out there, Karyn xx
Jenny At Ha
Dear you two guys ..where's the year going ...gone ... can't believe it's August today and haven't peeked into your travel diary for sooo long ! Loved the fotos ... love to Oz land from me.. will you have time to check out Craig while you are in Sidney ? He has a dead posh place you know .... time for a good scrub up and nosh ?? Hope you both keeping very well and having a fab time.. looks like it. Me, am just back from lovely week in Sicily -just wish it had been for lots longer, like a year ..... Yours enviously Jen xxxxxxxx
hey guys
dave smsed me your website address the other day and just wanted to check it out, looks lik eyou having a ball! sorry to have missed you when you were in SA. much love to muffs and enjoy enjoy enjoy.
love kim
Pete Hayes
We've tracked you down old bean - now then - this Heart of Slough iniative ......
Hello from a wet and miserable Cape Town.
I am now a very dark shade of green! And this is despite a lil' sortee abroad myself! I still can't belive all the kit you seem to have and yet you only had a backpack, of which the bulk of the pack was occupied by Jez's shoes.
Heard any buzzing lately, Jez???
Enjoy and keep up the fab site. If you are out of work on return, you may want to beef up my website?!
Trinks And Sly
Hi guys,
It sounds as though you two are having a great trip. Australia is an amazing country and there is so much to see and do. Just watch out for all the nasty critters and I am not talking about the locals :-)
When are you guys going to be visiting us in Sydney? Please get in touch as we have already planned a few weekends away and it would be a pity to miss you altogether.
Yet more accounts/photos of fantastic places and times. How repetitive - when are you going to do something different?! Also, most disappointed to note a reluctance to "go feral". After two months travelling, I had expected at least unkempt hair and the start of a comedy beard (Jez) and some kind of hair plat and bead arrangement (Michelle). Please action immediately! Enjoy the train ride and hope it's more efficient than the UK - i.e. you arrive in Adelaide before November and don't go via Belgium!
I like the dry commentary - finding it hard to tell who has written which piece! Could be a good sign - or could mean you've been spending to much time together. Obviously the purpose of this site is to inspire jealousy, and to your credit you've succeded admirably. Your photos of the Boland trail even brought a little tear to my eye. Although whether that was of sympathy or laughter at the thought of knicker river wading...
Hi Muffs and Jez
Just to let you know that I have found your website and its great. Have a good time and lots of love to Margy, Si & family when you see them. Love Dad