Hey all! Hope you're all keeping well back home! We are now in Houston, Texas, being amazingly looked after by Kevin and friends (Jess met Kevin travelling in Australia)! We are enjoying the home comforts of a proper bed, not having to queue for a shower but above all we can have a cup of tea whenever we want! We made a massive roast dinner on Wednesday to say 'Thank you' to the boys, they loved it!
So after Nashville we headed south to Memphis where we ended up staying in a gorgeous hotel, however, it was way out of town so spent a fortune on taxis!We didn't realise but we chose to visit Memphis on the 31st anniversary of Elvis' death so town was a little busy hence no accomodation! WE made it out to Graceland though which was cool, a very cute little house!
The following morning we headed further south to New Orleans for 3 days. We hung out in the french quater and took a cruise along the mississippi, we also tried as many local foods as we could and they were all delicious! And of course we checked out Bourbon street famous for its many bars and clubs, it seemed like a good idea to stay out till 5 am then get the greyhound bus to Houston the following day!a decision we regretted a little later when the bus was packed and the air con was broken and there was a drunk man sat next to us who insisted on shouting everytime he spoke, for 10 hours!it was the worst of all our greyhound journeys!!
We havn;t really done any sight seeing in Houston, but we did go to yet another water park, only this one was slightly better cos there was a hot tub with a bar in it!jess lost her bikini bottoms on one ride and jess enjoyed pushing karen off another cos she was too scared of the vertical drop to jump! It was Kevin's birthday on Thursday so we went out to dinner with him and his family, it was amazing! We went to 'Taste of Texas' which is a steak restaurant with enormous portions, we had 5 courses each and came home with enough left overs for the next day, as we write this we are still trying to finish the pecan pie, its heaven in a bowl!
Our bites have cleared up since Jess went to ER! The bites were that bad she needed antibiotics for a week, thankfully the ER doctor was as hot as the ones on TV! However, we are now having to cover ourselves in industrial strength bug repellent to keep the mossies away, but the little b*****s alwasy seem to find a spot we missed so we're still scratching, its really attractive!
We're flying to Las Vegas tomorrow and plan on getting out to the Grand Canyon and are hoping for a big win in the casino!
The end.
p.s more photos will be along soon!
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