You know your defence is s*** when Kenny Miller gets 2 against you.
Mum N Dad
Hello from sunny Crete!!! You two are amazing, we cant believe you have managed to do so much in such a short time. Love the photos, you look so happy. Market looks fab,,,, just like M&S!! hahahaha Having a great time here .. Dad explored the first day and has found his way around the place, room great, food and view great too. Very chilled and relaxed. Look forward to seeing more photos soon will log on Friday to see more. Hope you are settled in the apartment and that the job scene is looking good for you both. How did Jess get on with her interview? Good luck for Saturday!! Love to you both. Mum n Dad XXX
Hi Guys,
great photos of the Market all looks ver clean and well set up. Looking forward to hearing more news. Good luck with the jobs.
Sorry I added my message so many times I thought it wasn;t going through, guess it was.
Love Mar
Hi there!!
Well your news just seems to be getting better and better!! Delighted about the apartment and cant wait to see some photos. You are both doing so well and we are all pleased to hear your progress. We will be intouch this week from our travels be it phone, text or internet. Take care of yourselves and keep doing what your doing cos its working!! Off to get some sun ,,,,
love Mum and Dad XXXXXX
Heard that you now have your own apartment and out of the noise of the hostel. That is great news, looking forward to seeing photo and hearing all about your adventures so far. Good luck with job hunting.
Have a great day. Love Mar
Heard that you now have your own apartment and out of the noise of the hostel. That is great news, looking forward to seeing photo and hearing all about your adventures so far. Good luck with job hunting.
Have a great day. Love Mar
Heard that you now have your own apartment and out of the noise of the hostel. That is great news, looking forward to seeing photo and hearing all about your adventures so far. Good luck with job hunting.
Have a great day. Love Mar
Heard that you now have your own apartment and out of the noise of the hostel. That is great news, looking forward to seeing photo and hearing all about your adventures so far. Good luck with job hunting.
Have a great day. Love Mar
Heard that you now have your own apartment and out of the noise of the hostel. That is great news, looking forward to seeing photo and hearing all about your adventures so far. Good luck with job hunting.
Have a great day. Love Mar
Heard that you now have your own apartment and out of the noise of the hostel. That is great news, looking forward to seeing photo and hearing all about your adventures so far. Good luck with job hunting.
Have a great day. Love Mar
Heard that you now have your own apartment and out of the noise of the hostel. That is great news, looking forward to seeing photo and hearing all about your adventures so far. Good luck with job hunting.
Have a great day. Love Mar
Hello there in Brisbane!! Glad you have arrived safely and settling in. Hope the weather is warmer and you can get that tan topped up! Good to hear you are enjoying yourselves so much and getting through that list of things to do and see whilst you are there. I have sent an email to your address with some info for you to check. Keep having fun!!