All the best for 2010, you are the first in the family to make it into 2010, we will be thinking of you and missing you but know that you are having the time of your lives......Enjoy and celebrate in style
Happy New Year.
Love Marion
Merry Christmas to you both, enjoy the sun cos we will all be up to our you know whats in SNOW.......have a great time and all the best for 2010.
Love to you both. Marion
Hi there ....
just to let you know its snowing here!! whilst you bask in the sunshine we are freezing here!
have tried to email you jord but it keeps coming back .... perhaps your mailbox is full i will send it to Jessica and see what happens.
love you lots
mum xxxx
Hi Guys
What a lovely park, great photos too, nice and clear. I have to say I love the Koala Bears, but really not very keen on the snakes, I would never have gone into an area where they told me there was any threat of them, so I take my hat off to you both. When in Australia do as they do…..but yikes not the snakes for me.I never know you could also get that close to Kangaroo that must have been amazing, love to see the size of the tails, as that is where the power is, but like you Jordan I would have been keeping back a little.I think all animals that are kept in captive areas look a little worse for wear guess they just don't have the freedom on nature.
So new jobs for you both.You certainly are not sitting still that's for sure and coming up for 3 months now so that's great.
Yeah and no more talk of sunburn……..for some us we will be out there clearing snow from the sidewalks and driveways for hours…..HA HA. You enjoy it.
Store here are full of Christmas and its not that far away.Glad to hear you are both well. Take care. Love Mar
Gday Mates!! great to hear your news as always! we love reading about everything you have done and look forward to so much more to come. Whilst you are basking in the heat we are suffering a deluge of rain and wind so as always you are missing nothing in that dept! Had a wee look at the pics but think you have uploaded the same ones from Byron Bay again??? Have a great weekend look forward to catching up on Skype!! I hear Ja has it too!!!
Love to you both
Mum, Dad and the wee Jabby. xx
You both don't still at all, a good thing as you are seeing lots of things. Good news on the jobs, boring but great pay so that;s really good. So lots of drunks around and only 17??? Do any of them go off to Uni or College not sure about there. I know here that 70% of kids go to college or Uni but as they have to pay for it they usually end up with a huge loan at the end of their classes. Its all government money so they end up paying it back over a 20 year period. Huge weight around their necks.
Anyway another great experience seeing how the other side of the world celebrates school ending. How about Christmas are the stores gearing up......what do that do??
Take care for now. Love Mar
Hello Guys
How are you both, I hear new jobs might be happening soon, you are both on the go for sure. Love seeing the latest photos too. Your Dad is right about the weather you both enjoy all the sun and heat you can get, Scotland had rain and floods and we are preparing for snow. So do you think you will enjoy the sun and heat on Christmas Day......Yeah Right........have a great weekend, guys
Love Mar
Good day mates, just seen the photos of the Bay . fantastic trip . looks great , missed the skype call on Sunday , down at gullane shot 39 , hope you are enjoying the heat, weather now turning cold and windy at home, did you hear my new 1,000 watts surr sound playiong the james bond film in Brisbane, mum thought we had an earthquake,
Scotland beat again by Wales 3.0 Burley looks like he will be off, have a look at the hangover film if you can rented on amazon last week funniest film seen for a while , las vegas lost weekend , rude and good , kind of thing Nisbet and Eric me and Kidso would have done
catch you soon
hello jessica+jordan just want to know how u both are we have just had a party for lewis and james' birthday contact u soon love Gran p.s. Clare has been sendidng u messegaes but i don't think u are getting them. thnks love GranXxxXxxX.
James Traynor
sup guys how u doing how is ozzyland bet it is great the hot weather warm sea bet u havent been in the sea jordan.... jokes hope u guys are having a good time love james t..
Jeezooo have yous done anything else but eat? hahaha All these pictures of food making me hungry. Flat looks great hope yous are enjoying it. Your photos bring back memories i remember that beach. Sorry I havnt emailed this week, im going back to dundee tonight il catch up tomorrow.
All the best