Jess in Europe
Woah, tired!
So much walking and site seeing. It really is impossible to see all of Paris in 3 days.
Now that I am in an air conditioned internet cafe (THANK YOU JESUS) I can back track with a few typos alond the way (damn french key boards)
So we decided to not go to Stonehenge, expensive and london was too fun to leave just yet. Our lasdt day in London we went on the "London eye" a huge ferris wheel made of windows, the view is amazing, all of london in one little windowed contraption.
Heading out on the tube the theater and shopping district were next where Evann scored us cheap box seats to Mary Poppins. We headed "home" to change and stopped at a pub on the way back so i could toast my love for the aussie's with a "Fosters" ;-) Mary Poppins is awesome as a musical, the frickin sound track is STILL running through my head. I had some over priced wine and enjoyed qa spacious bathroom during the intermission (hey, its the little things you miss)
after the musical Ev and I decided it was time to head out and enjoy our last night in london Pub style but sadly Oxford St is not as happening on a wednesday as a friday, we were kicked out of O'Neills by 11pm. We wandered around and ended up back in the theater district in the...i suppose gay area, a nice wine bar where we got drunk and drooled over the hot bar tenders that had no interest in us what so ever, and noticed that everyone seemed to be coupled up with someone of the same sex, all a good time.
My navigational skills that have gotten us many a places multîple times are not as up to bar when drunk! we eventually made it back to the dorm where we made some pasta concocktion from the food left in the "free bin" in the kitchen, 2 types of pasta, some tomato sauce, tuna; and avocado. BEST pasta ever!
The goal was to try and convince the reception guy to wake us up when he got off his shift, because neither one of us brought our phones nor could we find an alarm clock to purchase any where! (still havent actually) Luckily he did and we made out Train along with 20 screaming French children in our compartment (which is wonderous the day after drinking!)
So, the train ride from hell was caused by me apparently, when i saw all of the, in the waiting area and i commented to Evann (and apparently the train gods) that i hoped they were on the train to brussles and not on our train, then i HAD to add "wouldnt it be funny if they were in our compartment?" This whole situation reminded me of Katie because I the WHOLE way to Paris I kept telling myself "what would katie do?" and my answer of getting up and smacking all of them which their teacher was not doing was out of the question, so i dug in my suit case in a moving train on the 3rd bin up for my mp3 player and resigned to be defeated. Katie, I am glad my neices are not like this:
1 kid with a nose bleed the whole way and crying
4 boys that kept slamming their tables up and down
1 girl that was beating up multiple children until they individually cried
1 boy that was randomly running up and down the aisle hiding from his teacher turning on all the lights he could
1 boy that was randomly spitting on kids and then screaming when they hit him
Multiple kids randomly throwing stuff
2 teachers constantly going "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! like this was doing ANYTHING
all of that for 3 hours AND our train had electrical problems so it was about 3.5 hours. Getting off a train as NEVER felt so good in my life! And now for Paris...
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