Sommarlovet startade sedvanligt med mattvätt hemma hos oss. Tror nästan att jag varje sommar de senaste 10 åren har tvättat mattor första dagarna av sommarlovet.. men det är i och för sig rätt skönt det med... då är det ju gjort
Ja man kan ju inte ha sommarlov utan att sola en stund så det hann jag med oxå. Vattnet rätt ok att stå och gå i.. simma går bra med bastu.. men var lite svalt utan..
Imorgon är det en dag i Jakobstad som gäller, mat inför veckoslutet ska handlas, sommarblommor införskaffas och mina blommor från Åbo ska planteras om. Dessutom ska jag se om de kan göra en underredesbehandling på bilen och tja rätt mycket annat att göra.
Summer has started and im relaxing at our summerhouse. I enjoy the time i can be outside even if there is lots of things to do both with the garden here, with some cleaning that has to be done, and then of course some stuff for my trip.. getting closer each day..
one thing that worries me is that i realise today that i have forgot my pincode to my creditcard.. how is that possible.. im even getting mad at myself... i have to know it.. and i need to know it... if i need to get more cash in USA i need my card... grrrrr..
i just hope my mom is right about what she said.. she said i probably do know the code.. just that i have too much on my mind right now to be able to remember it.. and that i probably will remember it when i calm down and not try too hard remembering it... i sure hope she is right...
Well as you all understand there still is a few things left to do before my trip and there are things happening all the time.. at least i got my Galaxy tab working today and i even know how to use it now.. so thats a bit of progress..
need to focus on the good stuff.. and then maybe i will remember the code too... keepinf my fingers crossed for that.
Now its bedtime for me, hope to see you all and maybe hear from you too
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