Day 22 we did a 3 hour bike tour of Munich which was fantastic because our guide was great. It was really funny to have so many people on bikes and for lunch we stopped at the second largest beer hall in Munich which at peak time can sit around 8000 people and the food is so hearty. We then had the afternoon as a free day in Munich though it was a little disappointing because it was a public holiday and no shops were open so we ended up heading back to the hostel mid afternoon and got a quick sleep in before our dinner at another beer hall where we had steins and pork knuckle and it was Sarah's birthday so we went out with another Contiki group to a night club and were pretty much the only people there because it was a Monday night.
Day23 was a very early morning to get our three hour bus ride in and cross the boarder back into Austria where we went white water rafting. We had never done rafting before and the water was absolutely freezing although we were kitted out in full wetsuits so it could have been worse. Our guide made us play several games in between the rapids so we spent quite a bit of time in the water and we travelled a total of 14Km downstream which took about an hour. After lunch we hopped back on the bus to travel another 2 hours to Hopfgarten and were pulled over by police because the E-tag on the bus that is meant to go off when we go through toll roads had failed twice so they had to check it and although it was working they still fined our driver 220 Euro per offence which is terrible on their behalf because it was the signaller that was faulty but I guess he is just going to have to appeal it somehow. Our planned activity for the afternoon was paragliding which everyone was really loooking forward to however the weather turned bad and due to the wind and rain it was unfortunately cancelled so we just went for a walk into Hopfgarten which is a lovely little town but it didnt have many shops. That night was the 'tight and bright' party which was pretty tame because everyone was so tired from the night before, I didn't go though because I was keen to take the rare opportunity of having an early night but Jesse had fun.
Day 24 we went to the 4th smallest country in the world which is Liechtenstein for a couple of hours free time to explore the little town of Vaduz and have some lunch. We then continued on to Lucerne, Switzerland where we again had time to explore and look at the swiss watches and Swiss army knives. One of the boys in our group bought a $2800 Swiss watch which everyone thinks was the biggest waste of money especially because it looked similar to the $300 ones. Lucern was a very beautiful city and had lots of great shops although Switzerland in a very expensive country and the average wage per person is $70000 which is really high considering that includes infants and the elderly. We arrived at our camping accommodation in the Swiss Alps at 7pm at night and it was my turn to be a 'cookie and dishie' so I had to be at the dining room by 7:15pm to set all the tables and serve everyone their food. We had cheese fondou for the first time which was interesting but I think I would prefer the chocolate.
Day 25 I had to be up early and down at breakfast to get everything ready. The breakfasts have so many options and that morning they had 'toad in the holes' and it was really funny because all the Canadians thought it was french toast and were asking where the maple syrup was because they had never had them before. I stayed in for the day and did washing, caught up on some sleep and skyped home while Jesse went with about half the group up to Jungfrau mountain for a day of snow activities which is the highest railway in Europe. That night was our last theme party which was 'Swissco Disco' where you just had to wear anything that was red and white.
Day26 was a long day on the bus as we passed the boarder back into Germany and spent some time in a town called Heidelberger. We then drove to St Goar which is a lovely little town and went to a Stein store where they told us about the different types of Steins. We had dinner in a restaurant at St Goar and arried at our hotel at 8pm before heading for an evening of wine tasting which was great.
Day 27 consisted of a bus ride from the Rhine Valled to Amsterdam which is the one place we had all been eagerly awaiting. On the way we stopped off for a really fun bike tour of a little town named Edam and then went to a cheese and clogs factory where we learnt how to make a pair of clogs and tasted a variety of cheeses whish was a great afternoon. We arrived in Amsterdam in the late afternoon and had dinner at the hotel before hitting the red light district for an interesting look at Amsterdam and we don't have many photos becuase you weren't allowed to take photos of much at all.
Day 28 was a bit disappointing to wake up to cold miserable and raining weather and our canal tour on paddle boats had been cancelled. We did however manage to make our way to the Anne Frank House Museum before the massive line-up started and it was amazing. It was so interesting to see where they had lived and read about their tragic story. We then entertained ourselves around Amsterdam for the afternoon and had to be back at our hotel and ready for a canal cruise where our tour guide said his final goodbye speech which was awesome and we then went to a chinese restaurant for a final buffet dinner together. Some of the group headed out for the last night but quite a few people are sick and went home after the dinner.
Day29 was the last day of the tour and we said goodbye at breakfast to the people who were staying in Amsterdam and the rest of us got back on the bus for a massive day of driving back to London. We arrived in London at 6:30pm and then had to take two tube's and a cab to our accommodation with Blake and Nat so it was quite late by the time we could finally relax. It was sad that the tour was over and saying goodbye to everyone but we have definitely had a fantastic month on Contiki.
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