Mass craziness! went to running with the bulls last night. 7 hours on a bus with 50 or more kids is crazy. Our bus ride was nuts to, it started raining so hard and the water leaked through the vents and we all had to put plastic bags tapped to the ceiling. The foor board was coming up and droping down, and it flooded in the back . I thought it was histerical someothers didnt. We got to pamplona and it was freezing we all were in dresses and shorts cause its so hot in barcelona so we all bought jakcets and pants and shirts the ones they sell for running with the buls. Then we partied all night it was insane more insane than when spain won the euro cup like 5,000 peope dancing drinking peeing yelling celebrating everything. There was firewors and a really awesome band that covered all the old good rock songs like with or with out you, ACDC, metalica whitesnakes, scorpion. Everyone was watching so it was hard to see but my friend in the program put me on his sholders so I got the best view and I got to relax my feet. No one had anywhere to stay we literaly just partied all night and walked the streets with thousands of people the floors were so disgusting I took pictures. Everyone has been pick pocketed and a ton happened at running with the bulls but I have the craziest of all stories!!!! SO.... we sat at the fence for three hours so we would have a good view (it gets insanely packed) and right when it was about time a local man cam ripping through the crowd and was trampoling all of the girls down pushing and throwing everyone down.Maddness well he got to the gront where I was and put his arm through my purse while pushing and being overally aggressive and twisted it with my arm still in it. and was getting ready to jump off the fence and into the bulls with me attached to him. I was either going to have my arm broken when he jumped or be pulled in with him as you cant move there are so many people and I couldnt get my arm out and I wasnt about to let him steal my purse. So I started screaming like crazy and everyone turned and then he got crazy mad and everyone just started hitting him and punching him and I was too! he wouldnt let go of my purse or me and people were punching the back of his head I was hittting him in the face but these were all the girls not theguys at firs (eventually the guys from our program got involved including the rude men that hated us because we are american women.) and the guy was determined and pissed he was being punched by seriously 10 people but still holding on tight to me and my purse and then the police officer jumped into the bulls and up on to the fence where we were and started bashing him with his banister thing. and jabbing him in the face and stomach with it. and he let go and fell to the ground and got away. He has to be hurtting so bad! I had no where to get away from even if I could because you are so squashed in the crowd you can barely breathe you really cant move. This all was only about 5 mins but was way c more exciting than the bull run. The running of the bulls looks alot scarier on t.v. they are huge animals but it wasnt insane as I thought it would be I felt more bad for the bulls than anything people are purposely hitting them and they are so scared thats why they attack. They would like atttack and then when the person would back off you could see the animal look at the person adn just try to get away but then someone else would come and attack it. But yea the spanish men donot treat women with any respect especailly american women. there are some very plesant nice men but the majority are overtly a******s. So running with the bulls was definately worth while and a once in a life time experience I got lots of pictures but,... it was definately enough fun and frustration and excitement to last a life time no need to do it again. P.S. I am starting to miss everyone so much.
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