HI Guys, well you look like your havivg a wonderful time. All the saving was worth it the pictures look great. I so wish i was lying on a beach right now. Never sent one of these messages before but if your mum and dad can then so can i. hope you continue to enjoy yourselves, oh and jess - get out of Topshop there is not enough room in your rucksac. lots of love jenny, danny and siobhan xxx
Hey guys!!!
i jus sent a message in "contact" i have no idea wat that is wooops, well this looks better than face book and easyier (well for ma and pa anyway) hope u guys are having lots of fun, and james wats with the hair? uve done the oposite to wat ur supposed to do, u should be comig back with dreeds not looking like a man-u supporter haha any hoo have fun
love Dom p.s. stop spending so much time on the computer you geeks xx