We've added new photos of Rajasthan, hopefully you'll be able to view these ones!
We've spent the last few days in Goa...it's tipped it down from start to finish! Had a good night out last night, met some nice girls from England. Leave for Mumbai on Thurs and then fly to China on Fri. It's gone so quick!
Lucy & Dave
Hi Sal,
Glad you're having such a great time. Totally sympathise with your mozzie bites - they love me - but not Dave so I get his share too!! Love the photos, you look gorgeously brown- must do something about my pallid skintone - maybe do my garden jobs in a boobtube tomorrow - second thoughts might just stick with the fake tan!!
Anyway, better get back to work before I upset the boss!
Take care of yourselves, looking forward to the next installment!
Love Lu x x x x
Jan & Dave
Hi Sal - we are impressed!! Your stamina seems to be boundless. Love your recent blog. It might have been a long journey but those sea-scapes are spectacular. We're off to St. Ives next week - not in the same class!! Rupert will catch up with you when he gets back from Germany - he called last night and sends love. Craig will be very interested in your experiences in Goa as he's been twice and loves it. Very cheap he says so that should help the coffers. It's super travelling with you. Take good care and live the dream. love Jan & Dave xx
Hi Sal
Just looked at all the photos!! They look amazing! Look's like you're having a fantastic time, you were very brave to get in that water!!! You're lokking very brown already! India looks like it's very different in the different places you've been to, some places look busy and bustling and some look picturesque and very serene!! what's been your favourite bit so far? How are the bites?? still missing you loads - that's why i'm bombarding you with messages and emails!!!
K xxxx
Neil Peacock
Hi Sal, Sounds like fantastic fun - paricularly the beach. Looks like I may have to visit India some time soon but will miss you. Have you heard that Rick is going to China as the training partners for our Olympic team?
We are taking your mum and dad sailing this weekend. Looks like not much wind but expecting to have fun.
love neil
Hi Sal
I've finally worked out how to do this message thing - i asked Paul to help me out but he didn't have a clue what i was on about - didn't even know what a "blog" was! Men!!! Hope you are all having a fab time haven't had chance to look at all the photos yet but the ones i have seen look amazin! Like in the movies!!! What was the Taj Mahal like? When do you go to China - don't have your itinery so not sure where you are and when. Just joined Images!!! and guess who i bumped into whilst being shown round - your bro Jon!! Gotta get into shape and get on the sun beds - gotta attempt to look brown at Em's wedding!!! Anyway, hope you are well (hope the old tums settled down now!) and having a fantastic time, will message again soon x miss and love you hun x Kirst xx
Hi jen, sal and vic
Hope you are all well. You guys have seen some sights you don't half get around. Love looking at the pics bet the smell and sound are unreal. I can tick off where i want to go and the place i need to stay clear off, but you know me jen not one to pass on a hoilday ha ha.
Enjoy and take care speak soon luv the Ochoas. x x x x
Hi Sal, I hope you are all well, just taken 10 mins out of my boring working day to read about all your amazing journies. Totally captivating. Take Care luv Mandy.
Hi Sal and friends. I wish I was young and carefree. Sounds as if you are having a great time - seem to be spending a lot of time in restaurants no wonder your tummie is a bit upset. Try a cheese sandwich. Kevin and Jenny popped in today and were asking about you - we all miss you - Jenny has been to India so was familiar with some of your travels - you can have a good chat when you get back. Things are the same here Lucy was home for Lizzies wedding and spent most of today in bed....I was tempted to prod her this morning to wake her up so we could play but I thought better of it. Any way Sal I am off home now but think of you and your wonderful opportunity and experiences often. Take care - mommy 2
hello jennie and sally hope your having a good time in india and I hope you see lots of buildings I've done my ben 10 labretorie jennie. lots of love from dylan
Merv & Carole
We cant believe you have only been gone for two weeks it seems llike ages. We are all missing you very much but at the same time are very envious at all you have seen so far plus the rest to follow Hope you are all keeping well keep in touch and Vics please check emails re univ . Take care have fun xx
Teresa Lawton
Jenny Wren,it looks & sounds like you & the girls are cherishing the moment,just let the good times roll,keep safe & sound.Your very favourite Uncle,E xxx