Jen and Tor's tour
Right...a lot has happened since we last logged on and not much of it good unfortunately. But you'll here all about that in a bit, first lets get back to where i left off...
We got our flight from Phuket in Thailand on the evening of the 7th and flew into Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The flight was really quick and we landed at 9:30 (they're an hour ahead of Thailand, so we're now 7 hrs ahead of Britain)...once we'd landed our plan was to get another flight as soon as possible to Langkawi, an island on the north west coast of malaysia. But...a little Malay man called Eddie caught our eye and whisked us off to his desk where he informed us that it would be much cheaper to get the bus to Kuala Perlis that evening and then the ferry over to Langkawi early the next morning- Great! we money, sleep on the bus - brilliant! So once we'd found somewhere to stay on the island, one of the guys that worked with Eddie took us into the city bus station - very nice of him because it meant we didnt have to pay for a taxi - woo!
So we got there, were all set to climb aboard the bus when we heard "Stand by....stand by!" from the man with the we stood by and we waited and were eventually told "No bus...ten tuthe morrow"
What? Ten to ten tomorrow?...
"No bus...ten tuthe tomorrow" We were very confused and it must have shown on our little screwed up faces because he motioned for us to follow him and ushered us out of the station and over to a ticket stand where (thank god) there was a woman who spoke better English. After some muttering in Malay she informed us the next bus to Kuala Perlis was next morning at 10:30 - why didn't he just say that in the first place?! We got our tickets and headed to the neon glow of a sign for the backpackers hostel 2 seconds away. We checked in, found our room (interesting to say the least, probably the worst place we've stayed in so far. But it still had clean sheets and it probably isnt the worst place we could've picked - we grew to love our little multicoloured haven) and collapsed into bed.
Next morning we boarded our bus - one of the nicest buses i've ever been on (huge seats that recline right back, footrests that spring up to support your legs - very comfy) Slept most of the way to Perlis- good thing too, it was a 10 hour bus ride!!! One slight hiccup though - it broke down and we were too late for the last ferry to Langkawi so we had to find another motel and spend a night in Perlis - v.strange evening...
After dumping our stuff in a HUGE white room with our bed in it...we ventured out for something to eat. Found a lovely place, alright food and some unexpected entertainment - Malaysian Karaoke! We have the stars of the future here folks! Watch this space...! Some weren't too bad but Oh My God! some were terrible and Boy! did i get sick of hearing the same song sung over and over! - And even if it wasnt the same song...they all sound the same anyway! Boring bloody ballads with soppy women and even more pathetic men in the videos! naturally we escaped as soon as possible...
Next morning we went in search of the Jetty and after trapesing around for 15 minutes, getting rather hot and sweaty, waiting around in the middle of nowhere getting savaged by mosquitos for half an hour we finally realised we were in the wrong we trudged off again, found the right place only to realise that we had needlessly gotten up so early and walked all those useless steps because the Port was practically opposite where we had been staying!! You may call us stupid....I call us tired and delirious!
Hours ride to Langkawi...found our hotel (rather nice, had proper rooms, lobby, pool...real bathroom and toilet, T.V!! and the forst air conditioning we've had since we got here!) Bit of a rubbish day, we mostly hung out in our room cause we couldn't be bothered to go anywhere else and were loving the ammenities!
Next day it rained all day so we got up late, got a taxi to a shopping complex thing and spent all day in the Oasis Beach Bar! Found an internet place, went back to the bar for food and then got a taxi back to our hotel!
We got the early ferry to Kuala Kedah the next morning and arrived there with plans to go straight to Taman Negara rainforest (apparantly the oldest in the world - 130+ million years old!) but were told that there were no direct buses or any buses anywhere remotely near there - we had to get a bus back to KLumpur! 10 more hours on a bus?! ARGH!!!! Our only choice though really, so we hopped on and started our mammoth journey back to KL..only it took 6 hours this time so bonus! Great! Everything was going smoothly.....or so we thought...
Little did we know that whilst we were enjoying the scenery on the way down some little **************** (too evil for words) ********** b****** had stolen Tor's rucksack! That's right, everything was in there...though luckily she had her passport, visa and most money on her...all her possessions had gone. And let me tell you, she was NOT a happy bunny! The FURY and wrath that came from that girl was unbelievable!! Wo betide anyone that crosses her! Her eyes glazed over and anger took over...I swear she turned red and horns sprouted from her head...
So after a very stressful day of police stations, reports and general not knowing what the hell to do next we found a hotel that could put us up for a night and collapsed into bed once more...
Next day we went straight to British Embassy, who were pretty useless really and then found another hotel - this one is amazing!! The views!! The room!! There are pictures so i won't try to explain but we just kept asking ourselves...what are we doing here?!
The rest of the day was spent trying to hunt down Malaria tablets and cheap luck with either so today (13th) is spent doing the exact same thing, hopefully with a little more luck. Plus we've a got a Skybridge tour at the Patronus Twin Towers booked so we're doing that too - should be amazing...
So, enough for back soon to update and i'll put the pics of Langkawi/kuala Lumpur on next time as we have no time really today - too much to do, new clothes to buy!!
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